Linux Tutorials on the topic “pclinuxos”

  • How to change the Swappiness of your Linux system

    How to change the Swappiness of your Linux system

    Author: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , Comments: 21Updated: Jan 26, 2024

    Swappiness is the kernel parameter that defines how much (and how often) your Linux kernel will copy RAM contents to swap. This parameter's default value is “60” and it can take anything from “0” to “100”. The higher the value of the swappiness parameter, the more aggressively your kernel will swap.

  • Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox

    tux Author: Srijan KishoreTags: , , , , , , , , , Comments: 2

    Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox    In this tutorial I will introduce some tips & tricks while using the phpvirtualbox. These tricks make phpvirtualbox functionality better & much more fruitful. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

  • Editing Images With Pinta

    Author: CSchTags: , , , , , , , Comments: 14

    Editing Images With Pinta This article is about how to use the Pinta graphical editor to edit pictures and covers some of its most important features. Pinta is a lightweight image editor for Linux and is far more easier to handle than Gimp but still has a large variety of tools and features to use. It can be used for quick editing like resizing images or adjusting the colours of photographs, but also for more professional tasks which depend on layered images and more. It is a good mixture between MS Paint and professional image editing tools and is recommendable for most purposes of image-editing-everyday-use.

  • How To Set Up VMware Tools On Various Linux Distributions

    Author: o.meyerTags: , , , , , , , Comments: 0

    How To Set Up VMware Tools On Various Linux Distributions This document explains how to set up the VMware Tools in the following guest operating systems: Ubuntu 7.04, Fedora 7, PCLinuxOS 2007 and Debian Etch. Installing VMware Tools in your guest operating systems will help maximize performance, provide mouse synchronization and copy & paste functionality. This article also shows a way of making VMware Tools start automatically when you start a guest operating system.

  • The Perfect Desktop - PCLinuxOS 2010 (KDE)

    pclinuxos Author: Falko TimmeTags: , Comments: 10

    The Perfect Desktop - PCLinuxOS 2010 (KDE) This tutorial shows how you can set up a PCLinuxOS 2010 desktop (with KDE) that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

  • The Perfect Desktop - PCLinuxOS 2009.1

    pclinuxos Author: Falko TimmeTags: , Comments: 5

    The Perfect Desktop - PCLinuxOS 2009.1 This tutorial shows how you can set up a PCLinuxOS 2009.1 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

  • The Bash Script To Configure The Firewall Using IPTABLES

    Author: ajaonchatTags: , , Comments: 1

    About the Script: This script is about to build a firewall in Linux OS by using iptables, the user only needs to follow and answer the simple and easy steps and the script will generate the user specified iptables rule in its original form. I HAVE TESTED THE SCRIPT ON PCLINUXOS, FEDORA-9, DREAM_LINUX, UBUNTU-8. This is my iptables Version 1.0 (USMAN AKRAM - Lucky)

  • How To Add Users To Linux OS From A Text file

    Author: ajaonchatTags: , Comments: 6

    How To Add Users To Linux OS From A Text file This tutorial is about a bash script to add, delete and verify the users either from a text file; it can also add, delete and modify the users manually. This script can be used to add , delete and verify the users to the Linux OS by fetching the user's information from any text file and this script can also add, delete or verify the users manually, I have put both of these functions in one script file. The text file can be specified by the administrator.

  • Installing GNOME On PCLinuxOS 2007

    Author: Falko TimmeTags: , Comments: 4

    Installing GNOME On PCLinuxOS 2007 The default desktop environment on PCLinuxOS 2007 is KDE, and during the installation you have no choice to install another desktop environment. This guide shows how you can install GNOME from the PCLinuxOS 2007 KDE desktop.

  • How To Enable NTFS Write Support (ntfs-3g) On PCLinuxOS

    Author: Falko TimmeTags: , Comments: 0

    How To Enable NTFS Write Support (ntfs-3g) On PCLinuxOS Normally Linux systems can only read from Windows NTFS partitions, but not write to them which can be very annoying if you have to work with Linux and Windows systems. This is where ntfs-3g comes into play. ntfs-3g is an open source, freely available NTFS driver for Linux with read and write support. This tutorial shows how to install and use ntfs-3g on a PCLinuxOS 2007 desktop to read from and write to Windows NTFS drives and partitions.