Linux Tutorials on the topic “mandriva”
How to change the Swappiness of your Linux system
Author: Bill Toulas • Tags: arch linux, centos, debian, fedora, kernel, linux, mandriva, opensuse, pclinuxos, raspbian, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 21 • Updated: Jan 26, 2024Swappiness is the kernel parameter that defines how much (and how often) your Linux kernel will copy RAM contents to swap. This parameter's default value is “60” and it can take anything from “0” to “100”. The higher the value of the swappiness parameter, the more aggressively your kernel will swap.
How to Install and Set Up Tor Browser on Linux
Author: Bill Toulas • Tags: centos, debian, desktop, fedora, linux, mandriva, opensuse, ubuntu • Comments: 8
Tor Browser is the official internet browser tool of the Tor Network project. This software is aimed at serving users who want to browse in full anonymity, preventing surveillance of any kind. This is achieved by bouncing your communications around a distributed network or relays, making eavesdropping very difficult, if not practically impossible.
How to Compare and Merge Text Files on Linux using Desktop Tools (part 2)
Author: Bill Toulas • Tags: arch linux, centos, debian, desktop, fedora, linux, mandriva, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 3This post is a response to the overwhelming comments about Meld (and other tools) on my previous article on text files comparison and merging tools. While my intention wasn't to focus on code text only but to also present something useful to word editors and writers as well, but the coders community objected for the “shallowness” of the previous post so here we go with part 2.
How to install Legrand UPS Communicator on Linux
Author: Fernand CLERC • Tags: centos, debian, linux, mandriva, opensuse, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 5
This tutorial shows the steps to install Legrand communication software to monitor a directly connected UPS, for example with a USB cable. This software allows you to manage the server and possibly others with the RS.
How to Migrate Ext2/Ext3 File Systems to Ext4 on Linux
Author: amanda • Tags: centos, debian, fedora, linux, mandriva, opensuse, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 4
The Linux file systems Ext2 and Ext3 have now gone outdated. It is the time to convert the old file systems to the latest one, EXT4. The Ext4 filesystem is faster and more reliable than the previous versions. You dont have to reinstall the system; you can simply convert your existing file system to EXT4 by keeping the stored data unaffected.
Shell Scripting Part V: Functions in Bash
Author: jonilyn2730 • Tags: arch linux, debian, fedora, freebsd, linux, mandriva, opensuse, shell, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 8
Welcome to part 5 of HowToForge's shell scripting tutorial series. In this part, you will learn how to efficiently structure your scripts by creating functions. By the end of this tutorial, you will be able to know how to create functions in the Linux Bash Shell, pass parameters to your functions and return some values from a function to your main code.
Using secure shell (SSH) for login and secure copy (SCP) for data transfer on Linux
Author: Akshay Pai • Tags: centos, debian, linux, mandriva, security, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 4
SSH stands for secure shell. It is an encrypted remote login protocol. Once it has been set up on each node, it can be used to communicate with various other nodes in that network. This tutorial covers public / private key authentication, the installation of public keys on remote servers and secure file transfers with SCP.
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: centos, debian, fedora, linux, mandriva, security, suse, ubuntu • Comments: 0
Howto add two factor authentication to OTRS with privacyIDEA In this howto we will show, how easy it is to add two factor authentication with OTP token to OTRS. This is done for the support agents to protect support cases and customer data against attackers and misuse. Nevertheless this can be done for the customers in the very same way.
Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: linux, virtualization, debian, fedora, mandriva, suse, ubuntu, centos, pclinuxos, virtualbox • Comments: 2
Installing Guest Additions And Mounting Shared Folders In Virtualbox Virtual Machines In PHPVirtualbox In this tutorial I will introduce some tips & tricks while using the phpvirtualbox. These tricks make phpvirtualbox functionality better & much more fruitful. I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!
Editing Images With Pinta
Author: CSch • Tags: debian, fedora, mandriva, suse, ubuntu, centos, desktop, pclinuxos • Comments: 14Editing Images With Pinta This article is about how to use the Pinta graphical editor to edit pictures and covers some of its most important features. Pinta is a lightweight image editor for Linux and is far more easier to handle than Gimp but still has a large variety of tools and features to use. It can be used for quick editing like resizing images or adjusting the colours of photographs, but also for more professional tasks which depend on layered images and more. It is a good mixture between MS Paint and professional image editing tools and is recommendable for most purposes of image-editing-everyday-use.