Articles by Srijan Kishore
How to use grep to search for strings in files on the Linux shell
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: centos, debian, linux, opensuse, shell, ubuntu • Comments: 10 • Updated: Jan 16, 2025The grep command, which means global regular expression print, remains amongst the most versatile commands in a Linux terminal environment. It happens to be an immensely powerful program that lends users the ability to sort input based on complex rules, thus rendering it a fairly popular link across numerous command chains. The grep command is primarily used to search text or search any given file for lines containing a match to the supplied words/strings.
NFS Server and Client Installation on CentOS 7
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: centos, linux, storage • Comments: 20NFS server and client installation on CentOS 7. This guide explains how to configure NFS server in CentOS 7. Network File System (NFS) is a popular distributed filesystem protocol that enables users to mount remote directories on their server.
How to create a Jailed SSH User with Jailkit on Debian 9 (Stretch)
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: debian, linux, security • Comments: 2This document describes how to install and configure Jailkit in Debian 9 Server. Jailkit is a set of utilities to limit user accounts to specific files using chroot() and or specific commands. Setting up a chroot shell, a shell limited to some specific command, or a daemon inside a chroot jail is a lot easier and can be automated using these utilities.
Virtual Hosting With PureFTPd And MySQL (Incl. Quota And Bandwidth Management) On CentOS 7.0
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: centos, ftp, linux • Comments: 7
This document describes how to install a PureFTPd server that uses virtual users from a MySQL database instead of real system users. This is much more performant and allows to have thousands of ftp users on a single machine. In addition to that I will show the use of quota and upload/download bandwidth limits with this setup. Passwords will be stored encrypted as MD5 strings in the database.
How to install ownCloud Client on Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: desktop, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 2
This tutorial describes how to connect an Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop with an ownCloud server by using the ownCloud desktop client.
How to host multiple sites in a single Wordpress installation on CentOS 7
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: apache, centos, linux, mysql, php • Comments: 5
This document describes how to install and configure multiple WordPress sites with the latest WordPress version on CentOS 7 in a single wordpress instance. WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. This tutorial explains the process of installing WordPress 4.0 on CentOS 7.0 in the form of a simple-to-follow guide.
How to Update a Ubuntu LTS release to the next LTS Version (release upgrade)
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: linux, ubuntu • Comments: 4
This document describes how to upgrade from Ubuntu 12.04 to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Generally, the Ubuntu .04 versions that get released every 2 years are Long Term Support (LTS) releases, for instance Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04 etc. Effectively, this means that the LTS release comes supported with bug fixes and security updates for as long as 5 years, hence users would not have the privilege of being alerted through popups urging them to install the latest available version.
How to host multiple sites in a single Wordpress installation on Ubuntu 14.04
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: apache, linux, mysql, ubuntu • Comments: 5
This document describes how to install and configure WordPress MU with the latest version in market of WordPress 4 on Ubuntu 14.04. WordPress started in 2003 with a single bit of code to enhance the typography of everyday writing and with fewer users than you can count on your fingers and toes. Since then it has grown to be the largest self-hosted blogging tool in the world, used on millions of sites and seen by tens of millions of people every day. This tutorial explains the process of installing WordPress 4.0 on Ubuntu 14.04 in the form of a simple-to-follow guide.
The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 12.3 x86_64 (Apache2, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: dovecot, linux, mysql, php, postfix, suse.apache • Comments: 0
This is a detailed description about how to set up an OpenSUSE 12.3 64bit (x86_64) server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters: Apache web server (SSL-capable) with PHP, CGI and SSI support, Postfix mail server with SMTP-AUTH, TLS and virtual mail users, BIND DNS server, Pureftpd FTP server, MySQL server, Dovecot POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, Mailman, etc. Since version 3.0.4, ISPConfig comes with full support for the nginx web server in addition to Apache; this tutorial covers the setup of a server that uses Apache, not nginx.
The Perfect Server - OpenSUSE 12.3 x86_64 (nginx, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3)
Author: Srijan Kishore • Tags: dovecot, linux, mysql, nginx, php, postfix, suse • Comments: 0
This tutorial shows how to prepare an OpenSUSE 12.3 64bit (x86_64) server with nginx for the installation of ISPConfig 3, and how to install ISPConfig 3. Since version 3.0.4, ISPConfig comes with full support for the nginx web server in addition to Apache, and this tutorial covers the setup of a server that uses nginx instead of Apache. ISPConfig 3 is a webhosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: nginx and Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, Dovecot POP3/IMAP, BIND or MyDNS nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, and many more.