Articles by cornelinux
Secure Wordpress Login with Two Factor Authentication using privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: apache, linux, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 2
Wordpress is THE widely spread blogging system that is not only used for private blog sites but sometimes also as CMS for company web sites. Wordpress is very good maintened and easy to update. But as it is so widely used, it is also an intersting goal for crackers (avoiding to say hackers). This is why today I will tell you how to secure the wordpress accounts with a second factor for OTP authentication.
Two Factor Authentication for ownCloud
Author: cornelinux • Tags: cloud, security • Comments: 3
This tutorial shows you how to protect ownCloud logins with two factor authentication by using privacyIDEA to manage the second authentication factor. privacyIDEA is a system to manage authentication devices for two factor authentication in your own network - not at any Identity Provider - thus keeping your identity and the identities of your users also under your control.
SSH Key Management with privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: ubuntu, security • Comments: 5
In this tutorial I will show, how you can manage your SSH keys for all your servers and different user accounts. This is important, if you have more than one SSH key and it is even more important, if you a responsible for many different users with different SSH keys.
How to setup Single Sign On with OTP using simpleSAMLphp and privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, php, security, programming, web server • Comments: 3
How to setup Single Sign On with OTP using simpleSAMLphp and privacyIDEA This howto will deal with Single Sign On to web pages. Maybe you know OpenID. Similar to Kerberos a "Ticket" is granted to the user to authenticate at other services using the ticket and not the credentials anymore. In this howto we will use SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language) which is more sophisticated than the simple OpenID. SAML can be used to setup trust relations between several entities. This is why it is used between companies and organizations, why online service are using it.
How to setup your OTP appliance with privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, security • Comments: 4
How to setup your OTP appliance with privacyIDEA In this howto we will setup a system that can act as your own personal OTP appliance, managing all authentication devices in your network. You then may configure your services to authenticate against this machine. It is a good idea to use some virtualization mechanism. If you have some old hardware around, this is even as good.
How To Protect Your Web Server With Sophos UTM
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, security, web server • Comments: 5
How To Protect Your Web Server With Sophos UTM In this Howto I will show, how you can setup a webserver to be protected in the demilitarized zone of an enterprise grade firewall. I will use the Sophos UTM Gateway which is available as a software appliance to be installed on "any" hardware and is free for home and personal use.
Manage Yubikeys for LUKS encryption with privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, security, ubuntu • Comments: 0
Manage Yubikeys for LUKS encryption with privacyIDEA So today we will show, how you can manage many yubikeys for many notebooks using privacyIDEA. privacyIDEA is an authentication system for two factor authentication - usually with OTP devices. In a recent version privacyIDEA started to not only answer authentication request, but it was also enhanced to be able to define client machines and add information, which authentication device could be used for an application on a client machine.
Secure Wordpress Login With Two Factor Authentication Using privacyIDEA
Author: cornelinux • Tags: apache, linux, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 0
Secure Wordpress Login With Two Factor Authentication Using privacyIDEA Wordpress is THE widely spread blogging system that is not only used for private blog sites but sometimes also as CMS for company web sites. Wordpress is very good maintened and easy to update. But as it is so widely used, it is also an intersting goal for crackers (avoiding to say hackers). This is why today I will tell you how to secure the wordpress accounts with a second factor for OTP authentication.
Two factor authentication with Yubikey for harddisk encryption with LUKS
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, security, ubuntu, desktop • Comments: 14
Two factor authentication with Yubikey for harddisk encryption with LUKS The yubikey is a cool device that is around for a while and several of us know it and love it. It is a device that is recognizes as a USB HID device and can emit one time passwords on a button press. Quite for a while the yubikey supports a challenge response mode, where the computer can send a challenge to the yubikey and the yubikey will answer with a response, that is calculated using HMAC-SHA1.
Contacts and events everywhere - successful syncing between thunderbird and android with Baikal
Author: cornelinux • Tags: linux, ubuntu • Comments: 2
Contacts and events everywhere - successful syncing between thunderbird and android with Baikal I got a new Android phone lately and was wondering how to handle my life. New phone, new chances, new life ;-) I have a lots of contacts. I used to store addresses in an openLDAP server, but I found these hard to manage especially since Ubuntu 14.04 does not ship "luma" anymore! I used to run radicale, but I did not manage to fix my sync-performance issues.