HowtoForge provides user-friendly Linux tutorials.
Configuring Apache for Maximum Performance
Author: bobcares • Tags: apache • Comments: 8Apache server performance can be improved by adding additional hardware resources such as RAM, faster CPU etc. But, most of the time, the same result can be achieved by custom configuration of the server. This article looks into getting maximum performance out of Apache with the existing hardware resources, specifically on the Linux systems.
Windows Linux DualBoot Tutorial
Author: latcarf • Tags: other • Comments: 4This tutorial was written to help set up a dual boot on a SATA drive but it will also work for PATA so continue forward and I will let you know if you need to skip something. In order to have a fully functional dual boot system it is preferred that Windows be loaded first. After that you can load Linux and easily dump the boot configuration on Windows NTLDR file (comparable to Linux boot file).
Network Monitoring with Zabbix
Author: ovis • Tags: monitoring • Comments: 12Network Monitoring With Zabbix Zabbix has the capability to monitor just a about any event on your network from network traffic to how many papers are left in your printer. It produces really cool grahps. In this howto we install software that has an agent and a server side. The goal is to end up with a setup that has a nice web interface that you can show off to your boss ;) It's a great open source tool that lets you know what's out there. This howto will not go into setting up the network but I might rewrite it one day so I really like your input on this. Much of what is covered here is in the online documentation however if you are like me new to this all this might be of some help to you.
Upgrading FreeBSD
Author: bsdguy • Tags: freebsd • Comments: 1Upgrading FreeBSD Concept This document started as a follow up to The Ultimate Multimedia Server Guide and how to go about keeping your server up to date and patched with the latest O/S patches and security patches. The other reason for this document was to try and create an easy to follow update guide for the not so Unix savvy users that visit my website from time to time. My first time trying to upgrade FreeBSD from sources went well but trying to understand and piece together all the other documentation was more of a daunting task than actually upgrading.
How To Install A Custom Iptables Firewall
Author: sbovisjb1 • Tags: linux • Comments: 2How To Install A Custom Iptables Firewall This guide is to show you how to edit your iptables if you're running on a server. This guide info came from iptables rocks, but I edited a bunch of data to make it suitable for what I want it to do
Optimizing DSPAM + MySQL 4.1
Author: laursen • Tags: antivirus • Comments: 5DSPAM is a scalable and open-source content-based spam filter designed for multi-user enterprise systems. It's great at filtering out spam but on busy mailservers the pruning of the MySQL databases takes way too long time. This small tutorial/hack can speed up the pruning of old data considerably.
Syncing Websites to Your Palm for Offline Reading
Author: rene • Tags: other • Comments: 1Syncing Websites to Your Palm for Offline Reading This is a brief tutorial on how to sync websites to your palm for offline reading. The websites are stored in Plucker format. You will need to install the Plucker viewer for palm which can be found at the Plucker website. The software you will use to grab the websites and convert them into Plucker format is called Sunrise. To transfer the Plucker files to a Palm you will need pilot-link.
Fedora Core 5 Screenshots
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: • Comments: 0This is a screenshot tour of the new Fedora Core 5.
Removing A User
Author: taft • Tags: other • Comments: 14Removing A User Employee turnover in most organizations runs high. So unless you run a small shop with a stable user base, you need to learn how to clean up after an employee leaves. Too many so-called system administrators do not understand the stakes involved when they manage users. Disgruntled former employees can often cause significant trouble for a company by gaining access to the network.
Simple Apache 2 Tomcat 5 mod_jk integration
Author: fernandoch • Tags: debian • Comments: 8Simple Apache 2 Tomcat 5 mod_jk Integration The whole tutorial is based on many tutorials, but I made a very simple one, with no virtual hosts. The main source of info can be found here: