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Greylisting - fight Spam with Postgrey and Postfix on Debian and Ubuntu
Author: erk • Tags: antivirus, debian, postfix • Comments: 9
There are numerous ways to prevent spam from reaching your inbox, the most popular is probably SpamAssassin. Greylisting will not replace spam filtering software like SA but it will serve as a powerful first hurdle for spam thus reducing the ammount of spam entering the system at all.
Getting Things Done in the New Year
Author: joe • Tags: debian • Comments: 2Getting Things Done in the New Year Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> What a better way to start the New Year off than to get organized. There's this really cool Rails application called Tracks that will give you a web-based management interface for organization. Setting it up is pretty easy, and that's what I'll be going over here.
Author: admin • Tags: • Comments: 2
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How to Setup Port-Forwarding on OPNSense
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: networking, security • Comments: 0
This guide will show you how to set up NAT Port Forwarding on the OPNSense Firewall Router. We will allow public internet to access the server inside the private LAN. Allow SSH and HTTP connections from the public internet to the server on the private LAN.
Linux: How to burn a CD/DVD through the command line
Author: Bill Toulas • Tags: linux, shell • Comments: 0
Carrying out common daily tasks such as burning a DVD through the comfort of a user-friendly graphical interface is, of course, a good thing, but unfortunately things don't always work as expected. When this is the case, Linux users can revert to the good old terminal to get things done no matter what. On this quick tutorial, we will see how Linux users can utilize the terminal to burn audio CDs, data DVDs or ISO images on a disk.
How to Install Paperless with Nginx on Debian
Author: Karl Wakim • Tags: debian, linux, nginx • Comments: 0
Paperless is a Python application that ingests scanned documents, indexes them, and presents them in a user-friendly web interface. In this tutorial, we will install Paperless with an Nginx HTTPS reverse proxy on Debian 10.