Articles by mariuz
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.3 on FreeBSD 10
Author: mariuz • Tags: other, freebsd • Comments: 0
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.3 on FreeBSD 10 Here is the guide on installing Firebird 2.5.3 from FreeBSD 10 Ports and creating your first test database; also we show you how to install Flamerobin GUI (administration tool) and the PHP driver for it. This was tested on fresh FreeBSD 10 on a kvm-linux virtual machine.
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.1 And FreeBSD 9
Author: mariuz • Tags: freebsd, other • Comments: 0
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5.1 And FreeBSD 9 Here is the guide on installing Firebird 2.5.1 from FreeBSD 9 Ports and creating your first test database; also we show you how to install Flamerobin GUI (administration tool) and the PHP driver for it. This was tested on fresh FreeBSD 9 on a kvm-linux virtual machine.
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5 And FreeBSD 8.1
Author: mariuz • Tags: freebsd, other • Comments: 1
The Perfect Database Server: Firebird 2.5 And FreeBSD 8.1 Here is the guide on installing Firebird 2.5 from FreeBSD 8.1 Ports and creating your first test database; also we show you how to install Flamerobin GUI (administration tool) and the PHP driver for it. This was tested on fresh FreeBSD 8.1 on a virtual machine.
Replacing ms dns with bind9
Author: mariuz • Tags: bind, dns • Comments: 7Isc Bind 9 for windows Replacing ms dns with bind9 is an better idea here is why:1.It's really faster (noticed when i run first query on that machine and had lower latency)2.Better security (windows2k is not supported with patches in future) 3.You can migrate easily to linux after that ;) Download from unzip it and run the installer (bindinstaller.exe) from inside directory
Flash Player 9 on Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
Author: mariuz • Tags: other, ubuntu • Comments: 14Flash Player 9 on Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake) This tutorial shows how to install the Flash player on a Linux system. It was tested on Dapper Drake (on an x86 - 32 bit machine).
lazarus (free pascal delphi like ide) on ubuntu (amd64)
Author: mariuz • Tags: other • Comments: 4Download x86-64 (or i386) free pascal binary package from sf.nettar -xvf fpc-2.0.0.x86_64-linux.tarsudo sh
Monodevelop on Ubuntu (amd64)
Author: mariuz • Tags: other • Comments: 5I have installed monodevelop with sudo apt-get install monodevelopbut it crashed on my machine (amd64) and mono version was quite old (default on breezy)Remove the old version apt-get remove mono monodevelopwget zxf libgdiplus-1.1.10.tar.gzcd libgdiplus-1.1.10 ./configure --prefix=/usrmake;sudo make install;cd ..wget zxf mono-1.1.10.tar.gzcd mono-1.1.10 ./configure --prefix=/usrmake;sudo make install;cd ..
Telaen Howto - Easy php webmail interface
Author: mariuz • Tags: other • Comments: 9Today i found a really good wembail interface and i want to share how easy is to install it compared with other webmail packages. Telaen is a webmail interface written in PHP. It does not require any database and is compatible with POP3 or IMAP so it runs under any Server supporting PHP with Sendmail or QMAIL. Additional skins and languages can be easily integrated.
MySQL 5 In Debian Sarge (Stable ) HowTo
Author: mariuz • Tags: mysql • Comments: 0Configuring mysql 5 in debian sarge (stable ) I needed to run mysql5 on another port on my server with already 2 mysql servers (3.x and 4.x) on itand for this i had to do following steps
Flash Player 8.5 Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake)
Author: mariuz • Tags: ubuntu • Comments: 31Flash Player 8.5 Linux (Ubuntu Dapper Drake) This tutorial shows how to install the Flash player on a Linux system. It was tested on Dapper Drake beta 2 (on x86 - 32 bit machine).