Linux Tutorials on the topic “commercial”
How to Migrate ISPConfig 2, ISPConfig 3.x, Confixx, CPanel or Plesk to ISPConfig 3.2 (single server)
Author: Croydon • Tags: commercial, ispconfig • Comments: 93 • Updated: Feb 08, 2024In this howto, we'll show how to use the ISPConfig Migration Tool 2.0 to migrate a single server to a new ISPConfig 3.1 server. The Migration tool is part of the ISPConfig Migration toolkit. The Migration Tool supports ISPConfig 2 and 3 – 3.1, Plesk 10 – 12.5, Plesk Onyx, CPanel and Confixx 3 as source servers and ISPConfig 3.1 as target server.
How to Install Jira Agile Project Management Tool on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: commercial, linux, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 1 • Published: Feb 24, 2023JIRA is a commercial software application developed by Atlassian for issue tracking and project management. This tutorial will show you how to install the JIRA project management tool on Ubuntu 22.04 server.
How to Install Jira Agile Project Management Tool on Ubuntu 20.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: commercial, linux, programming, ubuntu • Comments: 1JIRA is a project management tool developed by Atlassian which is used as an issue and bug-tracking system. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install JIRA project management tool on Ubuntu 20.04 server.
How to mitigate SRBDS (CVE-2020-0543) vulnerability without a server reboot
Author: Aleksandra Mitroshkina • Tags: commercial, kernel, linux • Comments: 0The CrossTalk vulnerability allows attacker-controlled code executing on one CPU core to leak sensitive data from other software running on a different core. In this article, we will show you how to mitigate this Intel CPU vulnerability without a server reboot.
Free eBook from Packt - Linux Shell Scripting Cookbook - Third Edition
Author: Richard Gall • Tags: commercial, linux • Comments: 0The shell is the most powerful tool your computer provides. Despite having it at their fingertips, many users are unaware of how much the shell can accomplish. Starting with the basics of the shell, you will learn simple commands and how to apply them to real-world issues. From there, you'll learn text processing, web interactions, network and system monitoring, and system tuning.
Free eBook from Packt - Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner’s Guide - Third Edition
Author: Richard Gall • Tags: commercial • Comments: 0Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide - Third Edition has been updated to Kali Linux 2017.3 with the latest methodologies, including full coverage of the KRACK attack and how to defend against it.
How to Monitor Linux Servers using CloudStats
Author: howtoforge • Tags: centos, commercial, debian, fedora, linux, monitoring, server, ubuntu • Comments: 4CloudStats is a server monitoring platform which allows you to easily not only monitor your whole server infrastructure but also to act immediately and resolve issues. CloudStats monitoring tool does not require any special skills or knowledge to perform setup and start monitoring your server, URL or IP.
How to deploy a fault tolerant cluster with continuous or high availability
Author: Nikita Nesmiyanov • Tags: commercial, linux, virtualization • Comments: 3Some companies cannot allow having their services down. In case of a server outage a cellular operator might experience billing system downtime causing lost connection for all its clients. Admittance of the potential impact of such situations leads to the idea to always have a plan B. In this article, we’re throwing light on different ways of protection against server failures, as well as architectures used for deployment of VMmanager Cloud, a control panel for building a High Availability cluster.
Run Windows applications on Linux with Crossover 15
Author: Bill Toulas • Tags: centos, commercial, debian, desktop, linux, opensuse, suse, ubuntu, virtualization • Comments: 0Codeweavers has released a new major version of Crossover, the popular Microsoft Windows compatibility layer which is now based on Wine 1.8. The software is commercial and it costs around $40, but there is also a two-week trial version which is fully functional and can be downloaded for free. For this quick guide, I will be using the latter to show how you can install, set up, and run Windows executables with Crossover 15.
How to create a web-office using ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition on Ubuntu 14.04
Author: Daria • Tags: commercial, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 3ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition is a commercial version of an open source corporate office suite developed to organize the teamwork online. If you have a team up to 5 users, you can install and use it free of charge. This guide will describe how to install ONLYOFFICE Enterprise Edition on Ubuntu 14.04 using the provided Docker script.