18. Install VMware Server From a Perl script:
With VMware Server you can run other Operating Systems on your desktop. This can be useful if you depend on some applications that exist for Windows only, or if you want to switch to Linux slowly.To download VMware Server, go to http://www.vmware.com/download/server/ and click on Download Now:
Accept the license agreement by clicking Yes:
Then download the VMware Server for Linux .tar.gz file (not the rpm file!) to your desktop (e.g. to /home/brian/Desktop/downloads/vmware/):
To run VMware Server you need to get the serial number. Go to http://register.vmware.com/content/registration.html. Fill in your personal details. Afterwards you will get a page with a serial number for VMware Server. Write it down or print it out:
Just for your information older versions of VMware Server required the vmware-any-any-update patch. When I installed VMware Server's latest version (1.0.4 | 9/18/07 | Build 56528) for this tutorial, I did not need the patch. Just in case you need the patch I wrote a brief HOWTO to install VMware using the any-any patch in Section 22.
To install VMware Server, open a terminal and type,
to become root.
Change your directory to the one containing VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz, e.g. /home/brian/Desktop/downloads/vmware (replace brian with your own username!):
cd /home/brian/Desktop/downloads/vmware/
VMware will NOT install unless we first create a directory in /etc.
In the command line window type,
mkdir /etc/pam.d
Unpack the VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz file and run the installer:
tar xzvf VMware-server-1.0.4-56528.tar.gz
cd vmware-server-distrib/
To install type,
The installer will ask you a lot of questions. You can always accept the default values simply by hitting Enter. When you see this question:
In which directory do you want to keep your virtual machine files?
[/var/lib/vmware/Virtual Machines]
you can either accept the default value or specify a location that has enough free space to store your virtual machines.
Press Enter:
Press Enter:
Press Enter:
At the end of the installation, you will be asked to enter a serial number:
Please enter your 20-character serial number.
Type XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX or 'Enter' to cancel:
Fill in your serial number for VMware Server.
To start VMware click K Menu->System->VMware Server Console:
Select Local host and click Connect:
I'm lucky enough to still have my copy of MS-DOS 6.22 on four floppy disks and my copy of One Must Fall: 2097
Enjoy VMware!
19 Inventory (VII)
Our inventory should now look like this:Graphics:
[x] The GIMP
[x] Google Picasa
[x] Firefox
[x] Thunderbird
[x] Java Runtime Environment
[x] Flash
[x] RealPlayer
[x] aKregator
[x] Pidgin
[x] Xchat IRC
[x] gFTP
[x] BitTorrent
[x] Guarddog
[x] Google Earth
[x] Skype
[x] OpenOffice.org
[x] Adobe Acrobat reader
[x] Kontact
[x] Scribus
[x] kmymoney2
Sound & Video:
[x] Audacious
[x] K3B
[x] Noatun
[x] VLC Media Player
[x] Quanta Plus
[x] Kate
[x] The Java 2 SDK
System Utilities:
[x] htop
[x] iptraf
[x] netstat
[ ] Filelight
[x] KDE Info Center
[x] Konqueror
[x] VMware Server
[x] NTFS-3G driver
[x] FUSE