Comments on The Perfect Desktop - OpenSUSE 11 (GNOME)

The Perfect Desktop - OpenSUSE 11 (GNOME) This tutorial shows how you can set up an OpenSUSE 11 desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

3 Comment(s)

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By: George

I have used KDE 3.5 for long time. Now I switched to Gnome and I miss the short key functionality. I have installed Xbindkeys. I believe that a perfect desktop needs short key functionality.

Excellent job 



Thank you for this great tutorial!

 I was able to get Opensuse 11.0 configured with everything I need just by following this article, I appreciate your time in making it!

By: easgs

I have created a Multimedia Pack portable for Open Suse 11, the included programs and codecs are:

1)  kchmviewer
2)  mplayer, mplayer plugin
3)  audacious
4)  k3b, k3b-codecs
5)  sox
6)  devede
7)  audacity
8)  avidemux
9)  ffmpeg
10) transcode
11) ntfs-config
12) vlc
13) libdvdcss
14) w32codecs
15) xine
16) xmms
17) dvdShrink
18) k9copy
19) Gtkpod
20) Acetoneiso
21) Furiousiso
22) DVD::RIP
23) Amarok
24) Kaffeine
25) kmplayer
26) Kdvdcreator
27) K3guitune
28) Kdvdauth
29) DVDAuthorWizard
30) Kguitar
31) Mjpegtools
32) Soundconverter
33) Gdvdcreator
34) Asunder
35) Brasero
36) Smplayer
37) LMMS
38) winff
39) KmediaFactory
40) DVD2Xvid

you can install any of the above without internet, they include all the dependencies, just unzip the both files into a folder named MMP2008 and create a repository from that folder as a simple rpm folder in yast, then make a search in the yast installer with the name of the program and check it to install it, this is very important if you don`t have internet at home, and besides, by default Open Suse doesn`t include several codecs due to license matters.

I created a blog about the MMP 2008 where you can download the pack: