Comments on The Perfect Setup - Mandriva 2007 Free Edition
The Perfect Setup - Mandriva 2007 Free Edition This is a detailed description about how to set up a Mandriva 2007 Free Edition based server that offers all services needed by ISPs and hosters (web server (SSL-capable), mail server (with SMTP-AUTH and TLS), DNS server, FTP server, MySQL server, POP3/IMAP, Quota, Firewall, etc.).
6 Comment(s)
Thanks for that great tutorial, very instructive and usefull for a noob like me ! But is it always actual ? or is there another more recent ?
The quick fix is to login into the graphical interface with the root user and then you can go about adding the user you want.
The quick fix is to login into the graphical interface with the root user and then you can go about adding the user you want. You just need to open up Mandriva Control Center to do it.
The quick fix is to login into the graphical interface with the root user and then you can go about adding the user you want. You just need to open up Mandriva Control Center to do it. IF you're comfortable with command line then try out "man useradd". A simple line you'd probably need for useradd would be something like: "useradd -d /home/<user>/ -s /bin/bash <user>" and then you'd do a "passwd user" and set the password.
Submited by : Doma de Caballos
I had problems using this on my old computer last week (Can't run the newer version and this one is the only one that has been working stable). Had the same problem as the first poster so I'm going to try it over this weekend using your suggestion :)
Hopefully it will work! haha
You have explain it in such a simple way with snap shots. Thanks for your efforts.