Articles by iron_michael86
How to install Spacewalk on CentOS
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux • Comments: 22Spacewalk manages software package updates for Red Hat derived distributions such as Fedora, CentOS, and Scientific Linux. In this tutorial. I'll go trough the installation of Spacewalk in detail and show you how to configure it to be production ready along with all the feature we can use with it.
How to Install Ansible AWX on CentOS 7
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, server • Comments: 55
In this tutorial, I will show you how to install Ansible AWX from RPM files on CentOS 7. Ansible AWX is the OpenSource version of the Ansible Tower software.
How to install Ansible AWX with Docker on CentOS 7
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, server • Comments: 36
Ansible AWX is the OpenSource version of ansible tower. AWX provides a web-based user interface, REST API, and task engine built on top of Ansible. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install and configure AWX using Docker.
Samba 4 Additional Domain Controller for failover Replication on CentOS 7
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, samba, server • Comments: 11
In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure an additional domain controller which is one of the key features of SAMBA 4. This setup provides a degree of load balancing and failover for AD services (Ldap schemas and dns ) and configuring it is really easy. We can also use this feature to scale up the environment.
Samba 4 with Active Directory on CentOS 7 rpm based installation with share support
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, samba • Comments: 18
This tutorial shows how to install Samba 4 with Active Directory support on CentOS 7 with precompiled packages from Wing repository and SELinux enabled.
Samba 4 Domain Controller Installation on CentOS 7
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, samba, server • Comments: 28
Starting from version 4.0, Samba is able to run as an Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC). In this tutorial, I will show you how to configure Samba 4 as a domain controller with Windows 10, CentOS 7 and CentOS 6 clients.
How to Install a Production Ready Naemon Monitoring Server
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: centos, linux, monitoring, server, ubuntu • Comments: 4
Naemon is the new monitoring suite that aims to be fast, stable and innovative while giving you a clear view of the state of your network and applications.This is a replacement for Nagios server and very stable and uses an amazing dashboard called thruk.
Icinga (Monitoring Solution) Installation And Configuration On CentOS
Author: iron_michael86 • Tags: ubuntu, centos, monitoring • Comments: 8Icinga (Monitoring Solution) Installation And Configuration On CentOS Icinga is an enterprise grade open source monitoring system which keeps watch over networks and any conceivable network resource, notifies the user of errors and recoveries and generates performance data for reporting. Scalable and extensible, Icinga can monitor complex, large environments across dispersed locations.