Linux Tutorials on the topic “php”
How to Install LEMP Stack (Nginx, PHP and MariaDB) on Debian 12
Author: Navjot Singh • Tags: debian, linux, nginx, php, web server • Comments: 2 • Published: Jun 22, 2023The LEMP software stack is a group of open-source software that enables a server to host dynamic websites and apps written in PHP. It is an acronym for Linux, Nginx (pronounced as Engine-X), MySQL, and PHP.
How to Install LAMP Server Stack on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: apache, linux, mysql, php, ubuntu • Comments: 0 • Published: Mar 03, 2023LAMP is an open-source software stack containing an Apache web server, MySQL or MariaDB database, and PHP programming language. It is one of the most popular web development platforms allowing web developers to build, deploy, and manage websites and applications online.
How to Install Laravel with Docker on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Navjot Singh • Tags: linux, php, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 1 • Published: Feb 21, 2023Laravel is a free and open-source PHP framework that provides a set of tools and resources to build modern PHP applications. This guide will use Docker Compose to containerize a Laravel application for development.
Getting Started with WordPress WP-CLI and Nginx on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: linux, mysql, nginx, php, shell, ubuntu • Comments: 2 • Updated: Feb 16, 2023WP-CLI is a tool to provide a command line interface to install and manage a WordPress site. This tutorial explains the installation of Wordpress on a LEMP (Linux + Nginx + MySQL + PHP) server with WP-CLI and shows how to install plugins and themes with WP-CLI on the command line.
How to Install ionCube Loader on Debian 11
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: debian, linux, php, web server • Comments: 0This tutorial will explain how to install ionCube Loader on a Debian 11 server. IonCube is a PHP extension that can decode secured encrypted PHP files at runtime.
How to Install Drupal CMS with Nginx on Rocky Linux 8
Author: Arvid L • Tags: cloud, linux, nginx, php • Comments: 0Drupal is a free and open-source web content management system written in PHP and distributed under GNU General Public License. In this tutorial, you will learn how to configure the Drupal CMS (Content Management System) with the LEMP Stack on the Rocky Linux server.
How to Install Neos CMS on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: apache, linux, php, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 0Neos CMS is a free, open-source, and innovative content management system that helps you to manage websites and blogs without any coding knowledge. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Neos CMS with Apache and Let's Encrypt SSL on Ubuntu 22.04 server.
How to Specify a Custom php.ini for a Website (Apache2 with mod_php)
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: apache, php • Comments: 14This short article explains how to specify a custom php.ini for a website running on Apache2 with mod_php. That way, each website can have it's own php.ini instead of using the server's default one.
How to Install Nginx with PHP and MySQL (LEMP Stack) on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Navjot Singh • Tags: linux, mysql, nginx, php, ubuntu • Comments: 2The LEMP software stack is a group of open-source software that enables a server to host dynamic websites and apps written in PHP. This guide will show you to install a LEMP Stack on an Ubuntu 22.04 server.
How to Install Laravel PHP Framework with Apache 2 on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Arvid L • Tags: linux, php, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 3Laravel is a web application framework based on PHP for building enterprise web applications. In this tutorial, you will learn how to install the Laravel on the latest Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. This will also include how to set up the LAMP Stack for the Laravel development.