The Perfect Desktop - Part 1: Fedora Core 6 - Page 9
This tutorial exists for these OS versions
On this page
17 Nvu
Open a terminal and become root:
Nvu depends on xorg-x11-deprecated-libs which is a package that is not available for Fedora Core 6, so we use that package from the CentOS Linux distribution (which is related to Fedora). We download that package from one of the CentOS mirrors:
cd /home/falko/Desktop
rpm -ivh xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5.i386.rpm
Nvu also depends on libXp which is available for Fedora Core 6, so we can installl it like this:
yum -y install libXp
Then we download and install Nvu:
wget -c
rpm -ivh nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm
If you get an error message like this:
[root@localhost Desktop]# rpm -ivh nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
xorg-x11-deprecated-libs is needed by nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386
install xorg-x11-deprecated-libs again:
rpm -ivh xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5.i386.rpm
and then Nvu again:
rpm -ivh nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm
Afterwards delete both RPM packages:
rm -f xorg-x11-deprecated-libs-6.8.2-1.EL.13.37.5.i386.rpm
rm -f nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm
Nvu can now be found under Applications > Programming:
18 Inventory (III)
This is what we have now:
[x] The GIMP
[x] F-Spot
[x] Picasa
[x] Firefox
[x] Opera
[x] Flash Player
[x] gFTP
[x] Thunderbird
[x] Evolution
[x] aMule
[x] Bittorrent
[x] Azureus
[x] Gaim
[x] Skype
[x] Google Earth
[x] Xchat IRC
[x] OpenOffice Writer
[x] OpenOffice Calc
[x] Adobe Reader
[x] GnuCash
[x] Scribus
Sound & Video:
[x] Amarok
[x] Audacity
[x] Banshee
[x] MPlayer
[x] Rhythmbox Music Player
[x] gtkPod
[x] XMMS
[x] dvd::rip
[x] Kino
[x] Sound Juicer CD Extractor
[x] VLC Media Player
[x] Real Player
[x] Totem
[x] Xine
[x] GnomeBaker
[x] K3B
[x] Multimedia-Codecs
[x] Nvu
[x] Bluefish
[x] Quanta Plus
[ ] VMware Server
[x] TrueType fonts
[x] Java
So everything is installed except for VMware Server...