There is a new version of this tutorial available for Fedora 17.

The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 7 - Page 7

15 Google Earth

To install Google Earth, open a terminal and become root:


Then run

cd /home/falko/Desktop
sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin

This will download Google Earth and start the installation. Before the installation starts, you must accept the license agreement, so click on I Agree:

Accept all default settings and click on Begin Install:

After the installation, you can click on Quit or on Start, if you want to start Google Earth now:

Afterwards, we delete the Google Earth installer:

rm -f GoogleEarthLinux.bin


16 Google Picasa

Open Firefox and download the file Select Open with Software Installer (default) in the Firefox download dialogue:

Then install it exactly as shown for the previous .rpm packages.


17 Nvu

Open a browser and download the file (Nvu depends on this package). Install it exactly as shown for the previous .rpm files.

Then open a terminal and become root:


Then run the following commands to install Nvu:

wget -c
rpm -ivh nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm
rm -f nvu-1.0-1.rhel4.fs.i386.rpm

(I tried to install the Nvu .rpm file using the Software Installer (as shown in the previous chapters), but Firefox tried to open the Nvu .rpm with MPlayer instead of the Software Installer, that's why I use a terminal here to install the Nvu package.)


18 Inventory (III)

This is what we have now:

[x] Gimp
[x] F-Spot
[x] Picasa

[x] Firefox
[x] Opera
[x] Flash Player
[x] gFTP
[x] Thunderbird
[x] Evolution
[x] aMule
[x] Azureus
[x] Bittorrent
[x] Pidgin
[x] Skype
[x] Google Earth
[x] Xchat IRC

[x] OpenOffice Writer
[x] OpenOffice Calc
[x] Adobe Reader
[x] GnuCash
[x] Scribus

Sound & Video:
[x] Amarok
[x] Audacity
[x] Banshee
[x] MPlayer
[x] Rhythmbox Music Player
[x] gtkPod
[x] XMMS
[x] dvd::rip
[x] Kino
[x] Sound Juicer CD Extractor
[x] VLC Media Player
[x] Real Player
[x] Totem
[x] Xine
[x] GnomeBaker
[x] K3B
[x] Multimedia-Codecs

[x] NVU
[x] Bluefish
[x] Quanta Plus

[ ] VMware Server
[x] TrueType Fonts
[x] Java
[x] Read/Write Support for NTFS Partitions

So everything is installed except for VMware Server...

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