How To Set Up An IRC Server And Anope IRC Services - Page 2
On this page
Step 1: type
Step 2: then pick from the list Security and Users then tab pick Group Management:
Step 3: alt + a then in the group name box type: ircadmin: then alt +a (make sure you write down what was in there first: normal just users).
Step 4: then alt +u then alt + x then enter on Defaults for New Users:
Step 5: pick from the list the ircadmin as default group: nothing in the secondary groups then alt + a:
Step 6: then alt + a: then type the full name for the ircadmin account / account name / password then alt + a:
Step 7: alt + f then wait 10 secs then alt + q.
FC 6
arrr < sorry i don't know how to add users via command line on FC :( sorry >