Comments on Ubuntu: Using apt-p2p For Faster Upgrades From Hardy To Intrepid

Ubuntu: Using apt-p2p For Faster Upgrades From Hardy To Intrepid ernest has today published on TorrentFreak a great howto on how to lessen the burden of the Canonical Servers for the upgrade to the new stable release of Ubuntu 8.10 - Intrepid Ibex. With his permission I publish this howto here also.

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By: rozie

"Version 0.2.5 is needed..." - it seems to be a typo, the newest version avaliable is 0.1.5 AFAIK.

By: Anonymous

Shorter way to do the same thing:

sudo cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list-apt-p2p-backup
sudo sed -i 's%http://%http://localhost:9977/%g' /etc/apt/sources.list

By: BrainwreckedTech

It's just a precaution. I believe the distribution upgrade process does it for you.

By: Anonymous

Why do you have to disable 3rd party repositories?

By: El Sombrero

Hi! Sorry to say this, but apt-p2p is a HUGE BACKDOOR for virus and trojans, since when I modified my sources.list, my debian and ubuntu systens broke, and I have to wait until the comunity solve this problem. Please reffer to ubuntu handbook. Sorry for the mess. :p

By: maximi89

This was a phenomenal way to improve speed performance when upgrading the OS. Don't know why, no body took it for default their default package manager