Articles by Stephan Jau

  • How To Add Bash Completion In Debian

    How To Add Bash Completion In Debian

    Author: Tags: Comments: 15Updated: Aug 08, 2024

    Bash completion is a useful tool for completing file paths, commands, etc. It is enabled by default on Ubuntu but not on Debian. With two simple steps, it can also be enabled on Debian.

  • Install Horde 5 Webmail for ISPConfig on Debian Jessie through PEAR

    debian Author: Stephan JauTags: , , , , Comments: 8

    Horde is a groupware suite that offers email, calendar, task, contact management and more things. It also offers SyncML and ActiveSync to synchronize with your cell phones or other software. This Howto assumes that you followed the ISPConfig 3 installation for Debian Jessie (Apache2, Bind, Dovecot) and all the packages there.

  • How to Block Email from certain TLDs (Top Level Domains) in ISPConfig

    ispconfig Author: Stephan JauTags: , , , , , , Comments: 5

    Spam is an annoyance and there's a multitude of ways to counteract it. However spammers also get smarter and try to bypass filters and stuff. In addition, ICANN has lately approved a great mean gTLDs (generic Top Level Domains), like .biz, .info etc. Some of those gTLDs are, in my opinion, exclusive used by spammers. Lately, I have gotten a lot of spam from the .xyz gTLD. So the question was, how to block email coming from such domains using that gTLD.

  • How to setup Raspberry Pi as Backup Server for Linux and Windows Desktops

    raspbian Author: Stephan JauTags: , , , Comments: 13

    The Raspberry Pi is a series of small single-board computers. They are rather cheap and are well suited for running a backup server or voip server. This tutorial describes the complete installation of the Raspberry PI from downloading and installing Raspian, the installation and configuration of Samba and how to backup Windows and Linux Desktops on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Install Bittorrent Sync on Debian / Ubuntu

    debian Author: Stephan JauTags: Comments: 5

    Install Bittorrent Sync on Debian / Ubuntu BitTorrent Sync is a new piece of software by BitTorrent Inc. - the original creator of the BitTorrent protocol. While most might be familiar with BitTorrent, only a few know of BitTorrent Sync. Normal .torrent files are static and once created they can't be altered anymore. BitTorrent Sync however allows updates to the data and syncs them to the peers. BitTorrent Sync is also available cross-plattform (Linux, Android, Windows, Mac OSX, iOS) and it has two distinctive operation modes. You can have a many-to-many synchronization meaning that every node can alter the content and have it synced to the other devices. Or you can have a one-to-many synchronization meaning that only the Master Node can alter data and this is then synced to all other nodes. Especially the one-to-many synchronization is of interested if you want to create backups and store them at multiple sites - using the power of BitTorrent swarms (meaning each nodes starts providing updates to other nodes as soon as they are received).

  • Install Horde 5 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Wheezy Through PEAR

    ispconfig Author: sjauTags: Comments: 18

    Introduction Horde is a groupware suite that offers email, calendar, task, contact management and more things. It also offers SyncML and ActiveSync to synchronize with your cell phones or other software. You can find out more about Horde on their webpage:

  • Install Horde 4 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Squeeze Through PEAR

    ispconfig Author: Stephan JauTags: , , , Comments: 15

    Install Horde 4 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Squeeze Through PEAR Horde is a groupware suite that offers email, calendar, task, contact management and more things. It also offers SyncML and ActiveSync to synchronize with your cell phones or other software. You can find out more about Horde on their webpage:

  • Remotely Unlock Fully Encrypted Debian Squeeze

    debian Author: Stephan JauTags: , Comments: 2

    Remotely Unlock Fully Encrypted Debian Squeeze In the past I have written several howtos for remotely unlocking fully encrypted Debian installations. With the advent of Debian Squeeze, the developers have integrated a simple way to do so. Most stuff is provided directly by Debian itself - meaning you don't need 3rd party scripts anymore. However it still involves a few steps which I describe below. Also I provide you with a bash script that will do all the steps automatically.

  • How To Compile Coloured rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat / Debian 6 Squeeze With ruTorrent

    Author: Stephan JauTags: , Comments: 6

    How To Compile Coloured rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat / Debian 6 Squeeze With ruTorrent rTorrent is a popular command line based bittorrent client. It provides very powerful features yet it is very light on the system - contrary to other bittorrent clients like Vuze. There are a couple of webinterfaces for it but they are not truly need. SSH access combined with the "screen" program provide you all the tools you need. In addition to the previous compilation guides of rTorrent, this one will also feature ruTorrent on a force Apache SSL connection with password protection.

  • How To Compile rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx / Debian 5 Lenny With Coloured Interface

    ubuntu Author: Stephan JauTags: , Comments: 7

    How To Compile rTorrent From SVN In Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx / Debian 5 Lenny With Coloured Interface rTorrent is a popular command line based bittorrent client. It provides very powerful features yet it is very light on the system - contrary to other bittorrent clients like Vuze. There are a couple of webinterfaces for it but they are not truly need. SSH access combined with the "screen" program provide you all the tools you need. This howto works for Ubuntu 10.04 Lucid Lynx and for Debian 5 Lenny. The difference is that commands that contain sudo must be executed as root.