Comments on The Perfect Desktop - Mandriva 2007 Spring Free (Mandriva 2007.1)

The Perfect Desktop - Mandriva 2007 Spring Free (Mandriva 2007.1) This tutorial shows how you can set up a Mandriva 2007 Spring Free (Mandriva 2007.1) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge.

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Thanks to Falko for this great guide! Just some extra pointers:

In addition to the methods listed here, there's also a simple official way to add the official Mandriva software repositories. It's explained at the Wiki -

Setting up repositories with this method will set up the official non-free repository. This repository contains the Java plugin, so it is not necessary to download it from MCNL as recommended in the article: you can just install the java-1.5.0-sun-plugin package.

Finally, please note that the Mandriva GTKPod package does in fact install a menu entry. It's just that if you switch to the GNOME menu system as Falko recommends, you don't see it, as the GNOME menus do not cover all applications. If you stick with the default Mandriva menu system, you will see the GTKPod menu entry. Also contrary to what the article says, GTKPod does come with an icon: /usr/share/icons/gtkpod.png . There are larger and smaller versions in /usr/share/icons/large and /usr/share/icons/mini .

Thanks again to Falco for the guide!

Adam Williamson



When there's both a PLF and an MDV version of a package, they're usually exactly the same (PLF and MDV actually share several .src.rpms) except that some legally dubious features are enabled in the PLF package but not in the MDV package. So it usually makes more sense to install the PLF package than the MDV one. This is the case for, for e.g., xine, gtkpod and vlc in the list of packages. The PLF builds all include support for patent-encumbered codecs that aren't enabled in the MDV build.