Comments on The Perfect Server CentOS 7.4 with Apache, Postfix, Dovecot, Pure-FTPD, BIND and ISPConfig 3.1

This tutorial shows how to install ISPConfig 3.1 on a CentOS 7.4 (64Bit) server. ISPConfig 3 is a web hosting control panel that allows you to configure the following services through a web browser: Apache web server, Postfix mail server, MySQL, BIND nameserver, PureFTPd, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, Mailman, and many more.

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By: Ayoub BEN

Thank you

By: Diogo


By: Docky

when I tried to open this page:

I got an error saying:

Roundcube Webmail Installer    Check environment    Create config    Test configChecking PHP versionVersion:  NOT OK(PHP5 is required, 7.1.13 detected)

I thought we installed php 7 in this installation, so why it's not ok for roundcube?

By: till

This tutorial installs PHP 5 and not PHP 7. Roundcube and also ISPConfig require it that you do not install a dfferent PHP version than the one that shps with the OS. Downgrade your PHP to the original PHP version 5.6 and then continue with the installation of Roundcube and ISPConfig. You can use newer PHP versions like PHP 7 in ISPConfig as additional PHP version, but don't change the main PHP version.

By: Docky

Hi again, I doubled checked and I see that php 5 was installed during this installation but I have installed php7 and I want to work with that. is there a fix for roundcube to work with php7?

thank you

By: Alex

Thanks for this.I would like to share something for those like me using EFI :cp /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg_bakgrub2-mkconfig -o /boot/efi/EFI/centos/grub.cfg


By: siomosp


there is a tutorial for installing nginx instead of apache?

By: Herman Baumgarten

epel-release package is not available

By: till

The epel-release package exists on every standard CentOS system, there must be something wrong with your base installation if you don't have that package.

By: Steve

I followed this all the way to the end but couldn't login. Found the password was not admin but was my mysql root password

By: emir bu?ra köksalan

If you getting apache test page after ispconfig installed you must install "yum install mod_fcgid" and restart httpd service. After this time you can login ispconfig. I think this document must be updated for this issue. Thanks.

By: till

The tutorial instructs you already to install mod_fcgid, so there is nothing missing in the guide. See chapter "

12 Installing Apache with mod_php, mod_fcgi/PHP, PHP-FPM" on page 2. Follow the tutorial closely and do not leave any commands out to ensure to get a working system.

By: Dr. Martinus


I followed this tutorial diligently and I am impressed, almost everything works. However: roundcubemail doesn't. I get the error:

DATABASE ERROR: CONNECTION FAILED! Unable to connect to the database!Please contact your server-administrator.   I always get stuck at the installation step 3. I found some tips, but I have trouble finding the appropriate files. Besides, I saw that in mysql the user is set, but the password is not encrypted as seems to be the case with the other users who are in the database. Is this intended? I need to get finished with the server setup. I can't run the installer any more, because it has been disabled (not by me, as I couldn't finish the installation). There it says I shall reset it "RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR/", but what is the "RCUBE_CONFIG_DIR"?   Thanks for any help.  

By: Medomx

you should verify in the config file your database name - in the config installer is roundcubedb and in the tutorial is roundcubeemail. if you change is working. Have a nice day!

By: fatbear

TLS related questions:

1. I prefer to use TLS certificates from traditional providers that can provide Extended Validation for my larger customers. Will NOT installing Let's Encrypt cause problems? Can Let's Encrypt be selectively enabled or disabled for individual clients if it is installed so that smaller clients can take advantage of free TLS certificates, but larger clients can avoid the pitfalls associated with domain-validated certificates?

2. I use front-end TLS via the Pound load balancer and reverse proxy or the F5 Big-IP platform. How do you recommend configuring ISPConfig in this case during installation?

By: scott hassler

has anyone been able to get the



plugins to work after this setup?

By: Tsi

Nice tutorial!  Perhaps for future centos may you include PHP 7.x instead of the older version running ISPConfig.  thanks!

By: munkh


First of all thanks for these helpful installation guides mate. I really appreciate it. There is 1 problem i am facing just following your guide, i cannot login. when i enter admin/admin nothing happens, but when i try different password it says wrong password. But if i do the correct password admin/admin it doesn't move to next page, just stay still like wrong credentials entered.

Could you please help me with this ?

By: till

The password is not 'admin' by default anymore, it is a random string that the installer showed you on the shell. If you did not noted the password down, then you can reset the admin password like this:

By: Anthony

I set the admin password when doing install.php. At the login screen i entered that password along with the username admin and it never logs me in. How can I reset this?

By: till

See here on how to set a new admin password:

By: anthony

I am getting a successful login in cron log but it returns no control panel. Additionally I am seeing this


PHP Warning:  mysqli_real_connect() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/classes/ on line 275

How can this be resolved?

By: Lighthouse

How to know the nameservers are missing

+ My server id address is

i'm using nameservers of

But when i check

cat /etc/resolv.conf

; Created by cloud-init on instance boot automatically, do not edit.;nameserver localdomain


So i see nameservers of this file not the same nameservers ip of digitalocean. So this is problem? how can i solve this problem?

By: Klaus

If you will use this server setup to reay mails through you need this extra package


yum install cyrus-sasl-plain

By: Karsten Schlimme

No SSL for RoundCube? :/

By: till

That's not quite correct. Roundcube is a global Alias in Apache, so when you enable SSL for a website in ISPConfig, then RoundCube has SSL as well automatically when you access it through that site. At server install time, you don't have SSL enabled sites yet, that's why you access it by HTTP then until the server is fully installed.

By: ian

Hi Tim,  Thanks for this perfect server tutorial.  Now have one up and running.  can you help point me how to go around some ISP's blocking port 25?  sending from home doesn't work as well as on mobile devices.

By: Philip

The URL for the Roundcube installer should be 'webmail' and not 'roundcubemail' as the alias was changed in the previous step...

--> "Now we will install RoundCube in the browser at"