Linux Tutorials on the topic “dns”
Resolving DNS Domain Names using dig Command on Linux
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: dns • Comments: 0 • Updated: Aug 22, 2024This tutorial shows how to resolve domain names on the Linux shell and how to query a name server for various kinds of DNS records like A, MX and NS records. To resolve a domain name on the shell, we will use the command dig.
Perfect Server Automated ISPConfig 3 Installation on Debian 11 and Debian 12, Ubuntu 22.04 and Ubuntu 24.04
Author: Thom Pol • Tags: apache, control panels, debian, dns, email, ftp, ispconfig, linux, mysql, nginx, postfix, server, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 166 • Updated: Aug 07, 2024This tutorial shows you how to easily set up a web, email and DNS server with ISPConfig 3 using the ISPConfig auto-installation script.
How to Install a Local DNS Resolver with Dnsmasq on Rocky Linux
Author: Arvid L • Tags: dns, linux • Comments: 0 • Published: Oct 13, 2023Dnsmasq is a small and lightweight DNS server for your local environment. It can be used to provide a DNS Server, DHCP Server, and a TFTP Server. This tutorial will cover installing and setting up a local DNS Server with Dnsmasq on a Rocky Linux 9 server.
How to Set Up a Local DNS Resolver with Unbound on Rocky Linux 9
Author: Arvid L • Tags: dns, linux, server • Comments: 0 • Published: Sep 21, 2023Unbound is free and open-source DNS server software that can be used for validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolvers. In this tutorial, we will set up a Local DNS Server with Unbound on a Rocky Linux 9 server.
How to Set Up Local DNS Resolver with Unbound on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Arvid L • Tags: dns, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 3Unbound is free and open-source DNS server software that can be used for validating, recursive, and caching DNS resolvers. In this tutorial, you will install Unbound on Ubuntu 22.04 server and set it up as a Local DNS Server with some features enabled, such as DNSSEC, DNS cache, local domain names and sub-domains, and also DNS-over-TLS (DoT).
How to Install a DNS Server with BIND on Rocky Linux 9
Author: Arvid L • Tags: bind, dns, linux, server • Comments: 1BIND or Berkeley Internet Name Domain is free and open-source DNS Server software. It's one of the most popular DNS server software used by more than 70% of DNS on the Internet. This tutorial will show you how to set up DNS Server with BIND on a Rocky Linux 9 server.
How to Install PowerDNS and PowerAdmin on Rocky Linux
Author: Arvid L • Tags: dns, linux, powerdns, server • Comments: 5PowerDNS is a free and open-source DNS Server software. In this guide, we will show you how to install PowerDNS and the PowerDNS-Admin on a Rocky Linux system. We will run the PowerDNS with the MySQL/MariaDB database backend and set up the PowerDNS-Admin that will be used as the web-based management tool for the PowerDNS server.
How to Setup DNS Server with BIND on Ubuntu 22.04
Author: Arvid L • Tags: dns, linux, server, ubuntu • Comments: 2BIND or Berkeley Internet Name Domain is free and open-source DNS Server software. It's one of the most popular DNS server software used by more than 70% of DNS on the Internet. This guide will teach you how to install DNS Server with BIND on Ubuntu 22.04 server. This tutorial will show you how to set up Master-Slave BIND DNS server installation using two Ubuntu servers.
ISPConfig Perfect Multiserver setup on Ubuntu 20.04 and Debian 10
Author: Thom Pol • Tags: control panels, debian, dns, email, ftp, ispconfig, linux, server, ubuntu, web server • Comments: 46This tutorial will take you through installing your own ISPConfig 3 multiserver setup with dedicated servers for the panel, web, DNS, mail, and webmail using the new ISPConfig auto-installer. This tutorial is compatible with Debian 10 and Ubuntu 20.04.