Comments on Installing Debian testing On GPT HDDs (> 2TB) From A Grml Live Linux
Installing Debian testing On GPT HDDs (> 2TB) From A Grml Live Linux This tutorial explains how to install Debian testing with the help of debootstrap from a Grml Live Linux system. This should work - with minor changes - for other Debian and Ubuntu versions as well. By following this guide, it is possible to configure the system to your needs (OS version, partitioning, RAID, LVM, etc.) instead of depending on the few pre-configured images that your server provider offers.
1 Comment(s)
"Because LVM cannot be used on the boot partition, I have to create a separate /boot partition where I use RAID1 without LVM."
Is this not possible in debian testing? It is possible in debian stable.
I did the same setup a few weeks ago with debian wheezy creating just 3 partitons on each disk. The first 1MB partition for the grub, the last about 500MB for swap, and the second and main one with raid1 and lvm on top for the system. /boot doesn't have either its own volume.
To partition gpt disks, parted is recommended, as it takes care of properly align partitions, filesystems,... etc