Comments on How To Install Railo 3.2 Under OpenSUSE 11.3 Running Apache2 Tomcat 6 Virtual Host

How To Install Railo 3.2 Under OpenSUSE 11.3 Running Apache2 Tomcat 6 Virtual Host Railo Server 3.2 Final ( has been released. As you know Railo is an Open Source ColdFusion Markup Language (CFML) engine. It is free and pretty fast. For the new 3.2 version railo stop running resin, but tomcat as the default web server. Instead of compile apache2 with tomcat 6 by yourself, the railo team had created the default installation script which help you setup railo on tomcat6 and using apache2 to connect to tomcat via mod_jk. Instead of using tomcat default webapps directory, we will modify the server.xml file and DocumentRoot will point back to default apache DocumentRoot directory defined under the virtual host configuration file.

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By: wintel2006