Comments on How to Install a LAMP Stack on OpenSUSE Leap 42.1
The LAMP Stack is a collection of open source software installed together on the Linux operating system to get your website and web application running on it. In this tutorial, I will guide you trough the steps to install the LAMP Stack with OpenSUSE Leap 42.1 as the Linux operating system.
5 Comment(s)
In step 2
# a2enmod mod_access_compat# systemctl start apache2
this work for me,
very good tutorial, thank you.
Hi There everything was going good untill I got here phpMyAdmin Server error Error 500. Your web site had help me a lot here your explanation is very and understanding good job to all you guys out there.
Thank you.
I installed LAMP at the same time as I installed openSUSE 42.3 in order to learn web development on my local machine. I have since also installed phpMyAdmin. I have enabled apache2 using YAST and I get the "It Works!" page. I can also get the phpMyAdmin page that asks for User and Password. The problem is that since I did not get asked to set any mysql password during the instllation (it was installed automatically when I installed the OS!), I do not know how to do this retrospectively. Can you help please?
Thanks for your article. My problem is not with what you've written, but with OpenSuSe Leap 15. The repositories only include PHP7, not PHP5 (which is the version of PHP I need for subsiquent Drupal 7 install). Where do I get the PHP5 code? I can't find anything online. They are all trying to steer me to PHP7, which breaks D-7. I can figure out the zypper command to download the repository. I just need the proper URL. Again, can't seem to find it anywhere.
Hope you can help me. Thanks, Bill
These is great information. I had a different situation so I worked the instrucitons jumping from point to point, however, in the end it all worked fine.