Comments on HOWTO: Encrypt The System Manually Upon Installation (Ubuntu 8.04)
HOWTO: Encrypt The System Manually Upon Installation (Ubuntu 8.04) This tutorial describes how you can encrypt an Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy Heron) system right during the initial installation.
2 Comment(s)
Seems there is a fatal error with this method of encryption - the same one as with TrueCrypt. When you get a system update and the initrd file is replaced, the encryption information is lost. Fortunately, I was still able to boot into the old kernel, and although there were some errors about a missing module now, I could at least get up and running and copy my data off to another system before having to rebuild.....
It could be worse. I could have install Pointsec and rendered the system into a boat anchor.
If anyone has a good idea about how to migrate the encryption settings into the new initrd file, they would instantly become a "Linux god"... <LOL>
I've had no issues with upgrading kernels... done this several times.