Comments on Clean Up Your Desktop With Computer Janitor On Ubuntu 9.04

Clean Up Your Desktop With Computer Janitor On Ubuntu 9.04 Computer Janitor is a tool that lets you clean up a system so it's more like a freshly installed one. Computer Janitor deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space. This tutorial shows how to use it on an Ubuntu 9.04 desktop.

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By: michael steco

This document comes without warranty of any kind! I do not issue any guarantee that this will work for you!

By: Dustin

Anybody adept enough to install Ubuntu can figure this out.  This article would be much more helpful with some insight as to what the janitor is actually doing.  Is it "aptitude purge" when is says removing a .deb file or is it just removing the cached file?

By: gyffes

does this remove MORE than, say, 'sudo apt-get clean' or 'autoremove' would?

By: PC Cleaner

Thanks for the info.