Linux Tutorials on the topic “cloud”
How to use loops in Terraform
Author: Ali Imran Nagori • Tags: cloud, linux, server, virtualization • Comments: 0Terraform is an Open source tool developed and maintained by HashiCorp. It uses its own Hashicorp Configuration Language- HCL to provision multiple cloud service providers. In this tutorial, I will show you how to use loops in Terraform. We will see several examples of using some loop constructs.
How to launch EC2 instance using new AWS UI console
Author: Ali Imran Nagori • Tags: cloud • Comments: 0On January 12, 2022 AWS introduced a new user interface for the management console. In this post we will discover the new AWS Console Home and specifically we will use the new EC2 launch wizard to provision a new EC2 instance.
Use Tag Editor to tag resources across regions on AWS
Author: Rahul Shivalkar • Tags: cloud, linux • Comments: 0Amazon “Tag Editor” comes under “Resource Groups”. Tag Editor is used to querying and tag resources in one go. We can choose up to 20 individual resource types, or fetch all resource types.
Create an IAM User on AWS using Terraform
Author: Rahul Shivalkar • Tags: cloud • Comments: 0In this article, we will see how to create an IAM User. Before proceeding, I assume that you are familiar with the basics of Terraform and AWS IAM Users.
What is Amazon Workspace and how to create it on AWS
Author: Rahul Shivalkar • Tags: cloud • Comments: 0Amazon WorkSpaces is a Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS) solution managed by AWS. We can use it to provision either Windows or Linux desktops. These desktops can be created in just a few minutes. They can quickly scale to provide thousands of desktops.
What is AWS CloudTrail and how to use it
Author: Rahul Shivalkar • Tags: cloud, linux • Comments: 0AWS CloudTrail helps to enable compliance, governance, and risk auditing of your AWS account. Whatever actions that are carried out or performed using AWS IAM User, IAM Role, or an AWS service are recorded as events in AWS CloudTrail.
What is AWS GuarDuty and how to use it
Author: Rahul Shivalkar • Tags: cloud, linux • Comments: 0AWS GuardDuty is a continuous security monitoring service. It analyzes and processes the AWS CloudTrail management event logs, VPC Flow Logs, CloudTrail S3 data event logs, and DNS logs. In this article, we will see the step to enable AWS GuardDuty and then disable it.
How to Install and Use Portainer for Docker management with Nginx Proxy Manager
Author: Navjot Singh • Tags: cloud, control panels, linux, server, virtualization • Comments: 7Portainer is an open-source container management solution for Docker, Kubernetes, and Nomad that simplifies starting, creating and running containers in an easy way. It provides a web-based dashboard to manage containers, images, networks, and volumes.
Creating an AWS RDS Replica for MySql
Author: Ali Imran Nagori • Tags: cloud, mysql • Comments: 0Amazon RDS is an easy-to-set up AWS-managed database service. In this guide, we will see how to create a read replica of a MySql RDS database instance.
How to configure Host-Based routing on AWS application load balancer
Author: Ali Imran Nagori • Tags: cloud, linux, networking • Comments: 0In AWS, ELB or Elastic Load Balancing is a concept where the servers can be added or released as per the demand of our application. The incoming traffic from an application is distributed among multiple targets.