There is a new version of this tutorial available for Debian 6 (Squeeze).

The Perfect Desktop - Debian Etch (Debian 4.0) - Page 3

This tutorial exists for these OS versions

On this page

  1. 3 Update The System
  2. 4 Inventory Of What We Have So Far

3 Update The System

First we have to make sure that all packages on our new Debian system are up-to-date. To do this, we open a terminal (Applications > Accessories > Terminal):

In the terminal, we run


to become root. Afterwards, we run the following two commands:

apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

Afterwards, the system should be up-to-date.


4 Inventory Of What We Have So Far

Now lets browse all menus under Applications to see which of our needed applications are already installed:

You should find the following situation ([x] marks an application that is already installed, where [ ] is an application that is missing):

[x] The GIMP
[ ] F-Spot
[ ] Picasa

[x] Iceweasel (Firefox)
[ ] Opera
[ ] Flash Player
[ ] gFTP
[ ] Icedove (Thunderbird)
[x] Evolution
[ ] aMule
[x] Bittorrent
[ ] Azureus
[x] Gaim
[ ] Skype
[ ] Google Earth
[ ] Xchat IRC

[x] OpenOffice Writer
[x] OpenOffice Calc
[ ] Adobe Reader
[ ] GnuCash
[ ] Scribus

Sound & Video:
[ ] Amarok
[ ] Audacity
[ ] Banshee
[ ] MPlayer
[x] Rhythmbox Music Player
[ ] gtkPod
[ ] XMMS
[ ] dvd::rip
[ ] Kino
[x] Sound Juicer CD Extractor
[ ] VLC Media Player
[ ] Real Player
[x] Totem
[ ] Xine
[x] GnomeBaker
[ ] K3B
[ ] Multimedia-Codecs

[ ] Nvu
[ ] Bluefish
[ ] Quanta Plus

[ ] VMware Server
[ ] TrueType fonts
[ ] Java
[ ] Read/Write support for NTFS partitions

So some applications are already on the system...

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