The Perfect Desktop - Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) - Page 4
This tutorial exists for these OS versions
- Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn)
- Ubuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander)
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr)
- Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail)
- Ubuntu 12.10 (Quantal Quetzal)
- Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin)
On this page
11 Opera
Open a browser and go to link; select Linux with your distro architecture:
Select the version of the Opera which you want to install, in fact every one will be using the updated one.
A download dialogue should come up. If it offers the option Open with Ubuntu Software Center (default), choose that one and follow the installation wizard. If you just see Open with and a Browse... button, select that option and click on the Browse... button. Select gdebi-gtk (/usr/bin/gdebi-gtk):
On the appearing window, select Install Package:
Put the system login password & continue.
After complete installation it will ask you to agree the license agreement.
Just make I Agree & enjoy Opera.
12 MiroPlayer
To install Miro check the file /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Make sure that there are Universe is included.
Then update the system
sudo apt-get update
& finally install Miro by using
sudo apt-get install miro
It will install the miro for ubuntu.
13 Skype for 32 & 64 bit Systems
While Skype is only available for 32 bit systems in the Ubuntu repository, you can download it for 64 bitsystems on their homepage. Therefore go on link and select the right version to download:
Further let the file get downloaded & install the file with command
sudo dpkg -i skype*.deb
14 Cheese(The webcam)
For using the webcam you can use cheese. Simply install it by command
sudo apt-get install cheese
15 Inventory (III)
We have now all wanted applications installed:
[x] The GIMP
[x] Shotwell Photo Manager
[x] Firefox
[x] Opera
[x] Chromium
[x] Flash Player
[x] FileZilla
[x] Thunderbird
[x] Evolution
[x] aMule
[x] Transmission BitTorrent Client
[x] Vuze
[x] Empathy IM Client
[x] Skype
[x] Google Earth
[x] Xchat IRC
[x] Gwibber Social Client
[x] LibreOffice Writer
[x] LibreOffice Calc
[x] Adobe Reader
[x] GnuCash
[x] Scribus
Sound & Video:
[x] Amarok
[x] Audacity
[x] Banshee
[x] MPlayer
[x] Rhythmbox Music Player
[x] gtkPod
[x] XMMS
[x] dvd::rip
[x] Kino
[x] Sound Juicer CD Extractor
[x] VLC Media Player
[x] RealPlayer
[x] Totem
[x] Xine
[x] Brasero
[x] Cheese
[x] Multimedia-Codecs
[x] KompoZer
[x] Bluefish
[x] Eclipse
[x] VirtualBox
[x] TrueType fonts
[x] Java
[x] Read/Write support for NTFS partitions
[x] Synaptic Package Manager
[x] gdebi Package Installer
15 Links
- Ubuntu: