How To Set Up A Facebook RSS Feed Reader Application For Your Blog - Page 4

6 Fine-Tune The Feed Reader

We can now fine-tune the appearance of our RSS feed a little bit, for example we can add a title to it using the <fb:header> tag. Edit index.php and replace the $fbml = '<div style="margin:0 10px 0 10px;">'; line with this line:

vi /var/www/fb/htf_feed_reader/index.php
$fbml = '<fb:header>HowtoForge RSS Feed Reader</fb:header><div style="margin:0 10px 0 10px;">';

This is how it will look. Our feed has now a title/header:

The same on the profile page:

If you don't want the title to consume that much space, you can disable padding like this:

vi /var/www/fb/htf_feed_reader/index.php
$fbml = '<fb:header decoration="no_padding">HowtoForge RSS Feed Reader</fb:header><div style="margin:0 10px 0 10px;">';

This is how it will look:

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