Comments on How To Set Up A Facebook RSS Feed Reader Application For Your Blog
How To Set Up A Facebook RSS Feed Reader Application For Your Blog This guide shows how you can build an RSS feed reader application for the social network Facebook that will display your blog's/web site's RSS feed on the profile pages of Facebook users (that have installed the RSS feed reader application). Each item of the RSS feed will have a Share button so that people can share the story with their friends, and the application will have an Invite link so that people can invite up to ten friends at once to also install this feed reader application. I will use PHP5 to build the RSS feed reader application. To parse the RSS feed and generate HTML from it, I will use Magpie RSS.
4 Comment(s)
This tutorial is excellent, but it appears to refer to the 'old' version of Facebook.
As a result if you try to run the application it creates using 'new' Facebook you get errors of the type:
"No content to display. This box will not be visible to people who view your Profile until this application adds content to it."
Has anyone had success adapting this tutorial for 'new' Facebook?
yeah me too, this do not work now for the new version of the librery, so??? can you help us telling us how to solve this issue?
The solution above has been outdated. I'm using this to solve my RSS
Facebook always seems to change things around.
Now you can use the Facebook Notes Application to add an RSS or ATOM feed to your page. The only drawback with this method is that it only allows you to add one single feed.
You can see more info about this process here: