Comments on Virtualization With KVM On A Fedora 17 Server

Virtualization With KVM On A Fedora 17 Server This guide explains how you can install and use KVM for creating and running virtual machines on a Fedora 17 server. I will show how to create image-based virtual machines and also virtual machines that use a logical volume (LVM). KVM is short for Kernel-based Virtual Machine and makes use of hardware virtualization, i.e., you need a CPU that supports hardware virtualization, e.g. Intel VT or AMD-V.

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By: jfalco

For step one setting SELINUX=permissive would be a better solution, so you can log denials. If you were ever required to set it to enforcing (for an audit, etc.) you would have data that you could use to change context, policies, booleans, etc. in order to allow KVM to function with SELINUX. Note: Going from =disabled to =permissive or enforcing requires a relabel on the next reboot and this will take some time.

By: Anonymous

[root@localhost Downloads] sudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

Add these below lines

blacklist kvm-amd
blacklist kvm-intel
blacklist kvm

 Save and Quit

[root@localhost Downloads]# rmmod kvm_amd
[root@localhost Downloads]# rmmod kvm