Comments on Using The Bazaar Version Control System (VCS) On Debian Etch

Using The Bazaar Version Control System (VCS) On Debian Etch Bazaar is a distributed version control system (VCS) available under the GPL; it's similar to Subversion (svn). Bazaar is sponsored by Canonical, Ltd., the company that develops the Ubuntu Linux distribution, and therefore the Ubuntu project is the most prominent user of Bazaar. This article explains how to set up and use Bazaar on a Debian Etch system, and how to configure an SFTP-/HTTP server to host your Bazaar repository.

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After following the instructions on my Xen DomU, trying to su falko reported /dev/null: Permission denied, after changing the perms it just hung.

Insted I used adduser, and it worked..

Thanks for the great howto!