Comments on Using Pydio In An ISPConfig 3 Multiserver Installation

Using Pydio In An ISPConfig 3 Multiserver Installation This howto shows you, how you can use pydio (formerly Ajaxplorer) in a multi-server installation of ISPConfig 3.

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By: loadingjkr

data/plugins/conf.serial/aliases.ser. This folder does not exist

Cannot find user, please try again. Make sure your Caps Lock is not engaged!


This is the tenth time I return it to install, I'm in Open Vz


can someone help us?

By: Alvin Charles

Awesome tutorial, thanks. Minor typo, plugins/auth.ftp/manifest.xml should be plugins/authfront.webftp/manifest.xml in my version of pydio.

By: Bonzo

Will there be any update for pydio 6.x ? This tutorial isn't working wiht 6.x anymore (biggest issue, manifest.xml)

By: mattwire

For pydio 6 this: "Open file plugins/auth.ftp/manifest.xml. You have to change some lines in there." needs to be plugins/authfront.ftp/manifest.xml

By: Saurabh Sharma

Can you provide the tutorial for latest version of Pydio?

This one doesn't seems to be working with the latest version. Please help

By: zuzu

Can i get pydio 7 working with ISPConfig?

Pydio 7 seems to have just database Option when i try to install it.