Comments on Simple Home File Server (Based On Ubuntu)

Simple Home File Server (Based On Ubuntu) This tutorial explains how to turn an old PC with additional hard disks into a simple home file server. The file server is intended for home use. The home file server is accessible by Windows and Linux computers in the home network.

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This is fine if you already have a NTFS-formatted disk to use, but if you are going to go to the trouble of using GParted to format a disk, use the FAT32 format so that all your computers can easily read and write to it (Windows, Linux, and Mac).


Cool howto but for a more powerful home file server with a very intuitive web UI try the BSD based FreeNAS. You only need one drive since the OS can be stored on CD or CF and run in memory without installing onto a hard drive so the entire hard drive can be used for user files.


"Do not use Ubuntu Server 5.04 LTS because this version does not ..."
You mean 6.06 LTS? 

By: Anonymous

But you can't configure settings such as static ip's and have them be persistent in this case.

By: Anonymous

Also, from a cursory glance, it doesn't support NTFS out of the gate.


I would like to see a similar how-to but with a way to encrypt the samba traffic over somelike like ssh. 


I've been trying to set up my file server with varying degrees of success but this has been my most successful so far!

 I recently installed Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) Server and was dropped into the command line.

 By following this, for the first time my server was seen by the Windowx XP box AND the Linux laptop! Previously connections like this were sporatic (like Windows could see it, then it can't, or it can see the folder but cannot get into it..)

 My next step, now, is to look at setting permissions and speeding up the access time.

 Great HowTo!



By: Stas

Thank you!

By: Chris

 Anybody else getting stuck when installing the kernel?  It happens to me every time at 83%.

By: Gusanto

It's very good tutorial, though I don't see a topic about printer sharing covered in the tutorial. So my question is by following the tutorial, sharing a printer in the network will become possible?


By: Anonymous

could I use a raid array instead of a single drive?

By: notSafe AtAll

Unless you are using 12.04 or 14.04 for these instructions... this is not at all safe- since these older versions have known unpatched security problems and are no longer being updated.

By: doom

# The primary network interfaceauto eth0iface eth0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway


how does these values looks for networks at ???