Comments on The Umlaut Problem - How To Successfully Back Up And Restore MySQL Databases With Special Characters Using MySQLDumper

The Umlaut Problem - How To Successfully Back Up And Restore MySQL Databases With Special Characters Using MySQLDumper There are lots of forums with heaps of reports of umlauts or other special characters being displayed erroneously. Attempts to help come from many sides, but hardly anyone seems to have a really complete picture of the problem. Even web hosts' support hotlines seem to reach their limit of knowledge with this one. There are incredible amounts of half-truths. They prove correct in certain circumstances, but they do not help all people. Simply because setups vary so much. In my role as developer of MySQLDumper I naturally spent a lot of time evaluating this situation. And I now believe to be able to offer a complete overview which covers the different aspects of this problem. A lot, and I mean a lot of research has gone into the explanations in this article.

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By: Been Told