Linux Tutorials on the topic “backup”
Mirror Your Web Site With rsync
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: backup, debian, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 43 • Updated: Feb 21, 2023This tutorial shows how you can mirror your web site from your main web server to a backup server that can take over if the main server fails. We use the tool rsync for this, and we make it run through a cron job that checks every x minutes if there is something to update on the mirror. Thus your backup server should usually be up to date if it has to take over.
How to Install UrBackup Server and Client on Ubuntu 20.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: backup, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 4UrBackup is an open-source and client/server backup system for Linux operating systems. It supports both file and image backups in a live system without interrupting current processes. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the UrBackup server and Client on Ubuntu 20.04.
How to Backup and Restore Files using Deja Dup in Linux
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: backup, debian, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 1Deja Dup is a simple and powerful backup tool for Linux operating systems. In this tutorial, I will show you how to install the Deja Dup backup tool on Debian, Ubuntu, and CentOS Linux.
Install Bacula Backup Server on Ubuntu 20.04
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: backup, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 5Bacula is an open-source backup tool that can be used to backup and restore data across the network. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install and configure Backup backup system on Ubuntu 20.04.
How to Install and Use BackupPC Backup Software on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: backup, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 2BackupPC is a free, open-source and web-based backup software suite that can be used for backing up Linux, Windows and macOS PCs and laptops. In this tutorial, we will show you how to install BackupPC on Ubuntu 20.04 server.
How to Setup Bareos Backup Solution on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
Author: Hitesh Jethva • Tags: backup, linux, ubuntu • Comments: 2Bareos stands for "Backup Archiving Recovery Open Sourced" is a free and open-source backup platform forked from It is a cross-platform software that can be used for backup, archiving and recovery of data for all operating systems.
Append-only backups with borg to another VPS or dedicated server
Author: Thomas Höjemo • Tags: backup, debian, linux, server • Comments: 2This tutorial will show how to backup the data on a server, denominated as the main server, to another host, here named backup server, with the free software backup program Borg.
Economical append-only offsite backups with restic and Wasabi on Debian 10
Author: Thomas Höjemo • Tags: backup, debian, linux • Comments: 4This guide shows how to install and configure the free backup software restic on Debian Buster to store off-site backups at the cloud storage company Wasabi. The main advantage of this guide is that it provides obligatory append-only backups. This means that once a backup has been made, it is secure in the sense that it cannot be overwritten or erased from the system the backup was made from.
Perform Hot Backups of MySQL Databases with Percona XtraBackup on Ubuntu 16.04
Author: Muhammad Arul • Tags: backup, linux, mysql, ubuntu • Comments: 4
Percona XtraBackup is an open source backup utility for MySQL. It supports all MySQL flavours like Percona Server, MariaDB, and (Oracle) MySQL. Percona Xtrabackup performs a Hot Backup for MySQL. In this tutorial, I will show you how to create a hot MySQL database backup with the OpenSource tool Percona XtraBackup on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus).