Comments on The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 9 (Isadora)

The Perfect Desktop - Linux Mint 9 (Isadora) This tutorial shows how you can set up a Linux Mint 9 (Isadora) desktop that is a full-fledged replacement for a Windows desktop, i.e. that has all the software that people need to do the things they do on their Windows desktops. The advantages are clear: you get a secure system without DRM restrictions that works even on old hardware, and the best thing is: all software comes free of charge. Linux Mint 9 is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu 10.04 that has lots of packages in its repositories (like multimedia codecs, Adobe Flash, Adobe Reader, Skype, Google Earth, etc.) that are relatively hard to install on other distributions; it therefore provides a user-friendly desktop experience even for Linux newbies.

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By: Cippa Lippa

I have stopped reading at this: "The GIMP - free software replacement for Adobe Photoshop"

By: dave

Why get uppetty about not being able to use a program which you most likely pirated?  Isn't that a little like going to the police because someone ripped you off on a drug deal?  You should thank your lucky stars that someone had the decency to make something as nice as the GIMP and then give it away for free.

 ..seriously, wtf are you doing that is so complicated and important that you need CMYK or any of the other Photoshop features, not currently found in the GIMP?  If you need Photoshop, go buy it and run Wine or just run Windows.

By: Anonymous Works for me still.

By: Cippa Lippa

Alternatives to The Gimp:


By: brian

Outstanding tutorial!  thank you SO much :-)

You need to change your password though, it's pretty weak ;p ;p


By: isadora curious

Excellent! It's like you wrote it just for me. Thank you so much.