Comments on Share Your Music Collection With gnump3d
Share Your Music Collection With gnump3d Gnump3d is a streaming server that can help you share your music collection with others. Although the name is using mp3 it can serve ogg as well, so you don't have to convert all your mp3 files to ogg files.
4 Comment(s)
If you are on Debian or Ubuntu, gnump3d is in the repos...
apt-get install gnump3d
So, you have a large collection of mp3 or ogg files and you want to share it with your buddy in your working place? Or perhaps you want to share it with your neighbour? Whoever you want to share your collection with is not the matter that we want to discuss here. If you are a Windows user you might often share your files, perhaps including your music files via SMB protocol, just as simple as right click, properties, sharing, checking several boxes and it’s ready to be shared. It might be different if you are UNIX or perhaps simply Linux guys, you might share your collection via NFS. You might think that it will be great running an FTP or HTTP server to share it, but remember that the users still have to download it to their own computers before they can listen. So, here’s gnump3d to help you share your collection. Gnump3d is a streaming server. Although the name is using mp3, it can serve ogg, too, so don’t worry that you have convert all your mp3s to oggs because gnump3d can serve it, too. ___________________ Submited by :
FYI, if you already have a Apache web server running (or if you plan to have one), you can use musicindex to stream your music. The advantage is that you can additionnaly benefit from any other feature of Apache (authentication, encrypted over ssl, etc). It is quite simple to setup. Details here: Stream your music with musicindex
Thankx, the steps are clearly mentioned and for such useful links to wonderful music files and