Comments on Maintaining remote web sites with sitecopy on Ubuntu 16.04
sitecopy is a tool for copying locally stored web sites to a remote web server (using FTP or WebDAV). It helps you to keep the remote site synchronized with your local copy by uploading modified local files and deleting remote files that have been deleted on the local computer. This tutorial shows how you can manage your remote web site from your local Ubuntu 16.04 desktop with sitecopy.
5 Comment(s)
FYI : In case you have SSH access, the best option is to use GIT :)
Not sure what the advantage over wwwsync would be and in any case I'd be reluctant to use a package that relies on the unencrypted FTP for its transferring.
To keep my website up to date I use rsync over ssh. Easy to to, has the ability to exclude things and is secure.
Not everyone runs its own server. You forget the millions of small websites hosted at ISP's that just offer FTP access and not offer SSH / rsync.
Don't you think that sftp instead of ftp is a must?
It depends on how and where you use sitecopy. If you use it in your local network or over a securely tunnelled connection to a server, then you don't have to encrypt the file transfers. Btw, SFTP is SSH and not FTP. If you refer to secured (encrypted FTP), then the protocol is named FTPS and not SFTP. Sitecopy supports WebDAV over HTTPS if your server has webdav support. I'm not the author of sitecopy, I just show you how to use it.