Comments on Installing Windows XP As A KVM Guest On Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop

Installing Windows XP As A KVM Guest On Ubuntu 8.10 Desktop There's a bug in virt-install and virt-manager on Ubuntu 8.10 that does not let you run Windows XP as a guest under KVM. During the Windows installation, the guest needs to be rebooted, and then you get the following error, and Windows XP refuses to boot: "A disk read error occured. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart". This guide shows how you can solve the problem and install Windows XP as a KVM guest on Ubuntu 8.10.

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Is there a specific reason why you close the QEMU window after the formatting is complete?

By: Anonymous

Contrary to the note in section 1, you CAN run virt-manager on a headless server.

On my Mac, I ran "xhost +my.server.ip".  Then "ssh -X my.server.ip".  Once there, "sudo apt-get install virt-manager".  This will install a bunch of stuff, including GTK libs and some supporting X apps, but it DOESNT actually require X, a Window Manager, or all the other X bloat you don't need if you aren't using the local monitor. 

Then make sure the DISPLAY variable is set: "echo $DISPLAY".  If not, set it: "export DISPLAY='my.mac.ip:0' ".  Then by just typing "sudo virt-manager" on the server (via the ssh session), virt-manager will RUN on the headless server, but DISPLAY on your Mac.

 This assumes you have X11 installed on the Mac.  If not, install it from the Leopard DVD.

 This should also work equally well on a PC, just use something like Putty and XMing to provide the SSH connection and an X Window (display) server on your PC.

Hope that tip helps someone out--managing KVM via command line was driving me nuts! 

By: Ben

Um, it just stops at the screen saying windows setup. the blue screen. it never does anything else.

By: Roopesh

i installed win xp in kvm,,

but could not install any says that it is a unspecified path..