Comments on Install Horde 4 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Squeeze Through PEAR

Install Horde 4 Webmail For ISPConfig On Debian Squeeze Through PEAR Horde is a groupware suite that offers email, calendar, task, contact management and more things. It also offers SyncML and ActiveSync to synchronize with your cell phones or other software. You can find out more about Horde on their webpage:

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By: CoffeeJunk


I had to add php5-mysql to the list as well, otherwise  'pear install pear/MDB2#mysql' will not install at all.

Greetz, CoffeeJunk


right... somehow that got lost in the list :) thx for reminding me.


Actually.... that package should already be installed when having followed the ISPConfig Squeeze / Dovecot / Bind / Apache howto.

By: LordPato

I have the following error in horde :

 Filesystem notification initialization error -- contact your mail administrator (check for configuration errors with the FAM/Gamin library)

Any ideas?

By: Anonymous


Thanks for the nice tutorial

I have followed step by step the tutorial and i am getting a blank screen when i am trying to open the page.

Any ideas?

What should i look for 




I was using Horde 3 (1.2.x) before, which turned unusable with the server update to squeeze  and php 5.3. To solve this with an upgrade from Horde 3 to Horde 4 made everything worst, since the upgrade failed. A new installation of Horde 4 was not possible too. Horde told me that 4.0.8 is already installed. (even test.php showed Horde3)

If somebody comes into a similar situation, there is a easy way to remove a old horde installation described here:

After removal, you can start over using the tutorial above.

And everything will be fine. 

By: Anonymous

Hi, will it work for the Ubuntu 12.04 perfect server setup? Thanks!

By: Giuseppe

During the installation, this step "Filesystem installation for base Horde application: /var/www/horde" is not present. I have followed entire procedure, but it doesn't work within this step. How to resolve???

By: Evadido

After several hours, I found the bug:

Just modify the file /etc/apache2/conf.d/horde.conf (created at step 10)

Substitute-> php_value open_basedir "none"

By -> php_admin_value open_basedir none

 Restart apache et voilá


By: Hylke Bron

Thanks for this tutorial, i got this stuff working in one evening. Unfortunately i had a few errors i needed fixing :(

First it gave some access denied error: Access denied for user 'horde@localhost'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

Turns out, that the privileges i set, werent set right, so how did i fix this? With this line of sql:

grant all privileges on horde.* to 'horde@localhost' identified by 'password';

instead of:

GRANT ALL ON horde.* TO horde@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';

note that the capital letters werent the problem, but either the word privileges or the single quotes around the horde@localhost did the trick.


And a note to those who get other errors, make sure that you wait while it executes a command, if you dont know for sure if its done, its probably doing stuff and you shouldnt interupt it, as i did once on the command:


I was too quick with quitting that screen somehow, and therefore it didnt create all the database tables resulting in a malfunction webmail, so i did webmail-install again and i did wait for it to finish completely and after that, all worked for me (or at least the email does, which is enough for me now).

I hope someone finds this usefull,

Yours sincerely,




When I try to run this command, I get the follow errors:

Failed to download horde/horde within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 5.1.0RC1, stability "beta", use "channel://" to install

Failed to download horde/Horde_Core within preferred state "stable", latest release is version 2.5.0RC1, stability "beta", use "channel://" to install

horde/passwd requires package "horde/horde" (version >= 4.0.0, version <= 5.0.0, excluded versions: 5.0.0), installed version is 5.0.5

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Auth" (version >= 1.4.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.4

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Core" (version >= 1.3.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.4.3

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Exception" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.3

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Injector" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.1

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Util" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.2.2

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_View" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.2

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Db" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.3

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Ldap" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.0.2

horde/passwd requires package "horde/Horde_Vfs" (version >= 1.0.0, version <= 2.0.0, excluded versions: 2.0.0), installed version is 2.1.0

horde/passwd can optionally use PHP extension "com"

No valid packages found

install failed

Please advise .

 Thank you for your time.


I have spent many hours prior to this trying to get a groupware package to work.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I will only add that I did add --alldeps to the pear install lines...


Kind regards


By: Anonymous

Thank you for this guide. It was usefull for our Horde installation. Congratulations!


Thanks for the howto, but I do have a problem. I have two servers, both debian 6 and fully updated, one is our main server with a lot of content on it, the other is a newly installed test server, where I wanted to try out horde on, but I keep getting this message:

root@testserver:/etc/pear# pear channel-discover

Discovering channel over http:// failed with message: channel-add: Cannot open "" (Connection to `' failed: Connection timed outTrying to discover channel over https:// instead

Discovery of channel "" failed (channel-add: Cannot open "" (Connection to `' failed: Connection timed out))

I used "The Perfect Server" guide for Debian 6 with Apache and Dovecot (ISPConfig

By: Baptiste

Hi there. Has anyone tried to install horde for ISPconfig on debian Lennie?