Comments on How to install Stacer System Monitor on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Stacer is an open source tool to monitor the performance of an Ubuntu Desktop. It provides a user-friendly dashboard that can be used to monitor CPU, Memory & Disk Usage, and System cleaner to clean system caches.

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By: Antonio Petricca

You can install it by PPA .

Are the commands the same for Ubuntu Mate with Intel processor?? I usually use apt-get to install.

By: Phanendra Reddy

Thanks Lot, It worked, Can you tell how to install Wine or any related app in ubuntu latest version :)

By: Mik

show incorrect disk usage

By: qxecutioner

Or you know, just download appimage from sourcefourge

By: Alcapony el facherito

Si, puedes fumarte quatro porros y hacer todo eso o escribir "sudo apt install stacer" y luego ejecutarlo escribiendo "stacer". Un saludo.