Comments on How to Install Apache ActiveMQ on CentOS 7

Apache ActiveMQ is a free and open source message broker and integration pattern server. It supports many cross language clients and protocols from JAVA, C++, C, Python, Perl, PHP etc. It provides many features such as Message Groups, Virtual Destinations, Wildcards and Composite Destinations etc. It can be easily integrated to spring applications. In this tutorial, we will install Apache ActiveMQ on CentOS 7 server.

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By: António Trindade

You should not install software in the /var file system. Shouldn't it be /opt or /usr? Why /var?

By: Bernat

You also need to open port 61616 to receive message from outside your server:

firewall-cmd --zone=public --permanent --add-port=61616/tcp


By: sushma

Is it mandatory to have java 8 to intall 5.15.9 or java 7 is sufficient?

By: Alaïa Vee

Followed this guide and had "connection refused" errors trying to access the ActiveMQ console from an outside IP. To resolve the issue I edited the /activemq/conf/jetty.xml, search for webConsolePort, then change the host value from to

    <bean id="jettyPort" class="org.apache.activemq.web.WebConsolePort" init-method="start">

             <!-- the default port number for the web console -->

        <property name="host" value=""/>

        <property name="port" value="8161"/>


By: Jada

The command for installing ActiveMQ didn't work for me... I had to put the url in quotes

# wget "" -O apache-activemq-5.15.8-bin.tar.gz

The site is clever enough to redirect us to the package on the closest mirror, but wget needs double quotes to handle the URL, and we can specify the name of the output file with -O, avoiding an URL as filename.