Comments on Get DAVfs Working On (X)ubuntu
Get DAVfs working on (X)ubuntu Mounting a WebDAV location under (X)ubuntu is not as straightforward as it should be. This mini-howto shows how you mount a WebDAV location and shows what problems you may have to solve.
5 Comment(s)
This is really cool! =) I just have two questions about it. Is it possible to get it woking with a password protected webdirectory (.htaccess)? And is there a way to do like this and mount a secure FTP (ssl)?
Thank you for a great guide!
Yes, you can mount any web-dav resource. Read the man page here.
You can add your cridentials in /etc/dafs2/secret, as well as the ssl certificate permission.
I have gotten this to work for my server, but it is terribly slow to load folders and files. Any comments oh how to speed this up? Everyone says it works fast on windoze. What's up with Ubuntu?
tried all steps in your guide.
able to browse the folder, but cannot see (in Ubuntu 8.10) any folder/filename that is containing a space in the name, returned prefixed with an "&" in the http response string.
any way to solve this ??
using XP can see all folders/filenames.
Thanks, that helped a lot!
Some things have changed since I think. E.g I don't have any template in /usr/share/doc/davfs2 or in /usr/share/doc/davfs2/examples. (Ubuntu 9.04)
However, it worked anyway. The only thing that does not work is renaming of folders or files. It says 'Input/output error'. Any ideas regarding configuration changes necessary? Thanks,