Comments on How To Make A Fully Customized KDE Live CD/DVD Using Kubuntu

How To Make A Fully Customized KDE Live CD/DVD Using Kubuntu There are tools available to allow anyone to create and distribute a completely customized Ubuntu Based distribution using the Gnome Desktop. Many Kubuntu users would like to do the same thing but such tools are not fully compatible with KDE and the Kiosk tool does not change or remove all of the Kubuntu defaults so that a program like Remastersys can create a customized ISO with the defined changes. This How To is designed to address these issues and allow those interested in creating their own customized distribution based on Kubuntu.

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In the line "In Synaptic go to File >> Read Markings >> browse to the file BaseBuild that was included in the archive along with this file."

¿Where is the file?

By: joe

the repositories bit is wrong the URL is now -- remastersys/ :) just so you know :)