Comments on Clean djbDNS DNS Server On CentOS - dnscache And tinydns - A To Z
Clean djbDNS DNS Server On CentOS - dnscache And tinydns - A To Z What is djbDNS? And why do we use djbDNS? There is a new point of view to serve the dns service - each of the dns server functionalities is a separate service, like authority, cache, forward and so on. The other difference is the daemon-tools which will rapidly restart services to prevent zombies.
7 Comment(s)
See Correction:
# cd djbdns-1.05
# vi conf-cc
i got this warning.
svc -u /service/dnscache
svc: warning: unable to control /service/dnscache: supervise not running
save and run the command
init q
this brings up supervise - also if you want to stop supervise anytime just edit /etc/inittab has out and run
init q again to turn off supervise.
# daemontools
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [016]
exec /command/svscanboot
to start the daemontools run below command
initctl start daemontools
See correction:
# cd ucspi-tcp-0.88
# vi conf-cc
The shell 'csh' is pretty old. It may be the case that your system has a later shell, such as 'sh'.
If 'which csh' shows that you do not have 'csh', then modify the file:
replace 'csh' with 'sh'
Replacement of initab is systemctl on CentOS 7 . To start the daemontools on centos7 using systemctlCentOS 7 uses systemdCreate a new file /etc/systemd/system/daemontools.service, with the startup code in it:
[Unit]Description=daemontools Start
[Service]Type=simpleUser=rootGroup=rootRestart=alwaysExecStart=/command/svscanboot /dev/ttyS0TimeoutSec=0
Start the service:
systemctl start daemontools.serviceTest that it is running:
systemctl status daemontools.serviceEnable it to start at boot:
systemctl enable daemontools.service