Comments on How to Install a CentOS 8 Minimal Server
This document describes the basic installation of a CentOS 8 server in detail with many screenshots. The purpose of this guide is to provide a minimal setup that can be used as basis for all kinds of CentOS server setups.
2 Comment(s)
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By: Arman
Many Thanks for Your instructions.
But, Please How can I minimally install the desktop module KDE or GNOME during the installation of centos 8.2 Server?This is very, very important for my work.
By: Chace
I need to still reduce the footprint of BARE -- Basic
I have it loaded into Docker and need to reduce the footprint. I have it at about 1G
I need to keep AUDITD
What RPMS can a remove....
I am 35 years of Linux Server but new to this cloud stuff