Articles by shahril bin kamaruzzaman
Setting up AWS Redshift for Cloud Data warehousing
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: cloud • Comments: 0In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up AWS Redshift to use Cloud Data Warehousing. Redshift is a fully managed petabyte data warehouse service being introduced to the cloud by Amazon Web Services.
Setting up MinIO server for storage architecture usage
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: cloud, linux, server • Comments: 0MinIO is a high performance, distributed object storage system. It is software-defined, runs on industry-standard hardware, and is 100% open source. In this tutorial, I will explain how to set up a Minio server for storage architecture usage.
How to set up Gitlab for Continuous Integration and Deployment on CentOS
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: centos, linux, programming, server • Comments: 0In this tutorial I will explain how to set up a local Gitlab Server for CI (Continuous Integration) / CD (Continuous Deployment). Since the scope of DevOps is quite large, this tutorial focuses on setting up the Gitlab server under local conditions. We will use the Gitlab Community Edition to set up in our local environment.
Setting up a JMeter Cluster for web server load testing
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: linux, monitoring, server • Comments: 0This tutorial shows you how to set up a JMeter cluster for load tests. JMeter can be used to simulate a heavy load on a server, group of servers, network, or object, to test its strength, or to analyze overall performance under different load types.
Install ELK as Centralized Logfile Management Server on CentOS 7
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: centos, linux, mysql, server • Comments: 0This tutorial explains how to setup a centralized logfile management server using ELK stack on CentOS 7. As anyone who not already know, ELK is the combination of 3 services: ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana. The tutorial will use MySQL log files as source to be monitored.
How to Setup and Install Oracle Weblogic in CentOS 7
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: centos, linux, server • Comments: 3In this tutorial, I'll guide you on how to setup and install Oracle Weblogic on CentOS 7 operation system. Oracle Weblogic is a middleware tool that is widely used by large companies to serve applications that use Java EE as the programming language.
How to setup an SFTP server on CentOS
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: centos, linux, security, server • Comments: 30
This tutorial explains how to setup and use an SFTP server on CentOS. Before I start, let me explain what actually SFTP represents and what it is used for. SFTP stands for SSH File Transfer Protocol or Secure File Transfer Protocol. It uses a separate protocol packaged with SSH to provide a secure connection.
How to configure MySQL Multi-Master Replication on Oracle Linux
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: centos, linux, mysql • Comments: 1
This tutorial explains how to setup and configure MySQL multi-master replication on Oracle Linux. Please note that even though the configuration is made under Oracle Linux, yet the steps and configuration are mainly the same to CentOS and Red Hat Linux.
How to setup rsyslog for Centralized Log Management
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: arch linux, centos, linux • Comments: 6
This tutorial explains how to setup rsyslog as a centralized log management server on RedHat Linux based OS like CentOS. Centralized log management means to collect all sorts of logs from several physical or virtualized servers on one log server to monitor the health and security of the server services. We use rsyslog in this tutorial because it offers high-performance, great security and a modular design.
How to configure failover and high availability network bonding on Linux
Author: shahril bin kamaruzzaman • Tags: high-availability, linux, networking • Comments: 6
This tutorial explains how to configure network bonding on Linux server. Before I start, let me explain what network bonding is and what it does. In a Windows environment, network bonding is called network teaming, this is a feature that helps any server architecture to provide high availability and failover in scenarios were one of the main ethernet cable has a malfunction or is misconfigured.