Linux Tutorials on the topic “postfix”
One of the users on the system has a CatchAll-email address. He receives all emails, even those for users of another site...
Author: Till Brehm • Tags: ispconfig, postfix • Comments: 0
One of the users on the system has a CatchAll-email address. He receives all emails, even those intended for users of another site on the same server. The MTA on the server is postfix. Please check if the domain of the users that receives all emails is the same as the domain $mydomain in /etc/postfix/ If this is the case, change $mydomain and run postfix reload on the shell. You should never enter a domain that is used for a virtual site on the server as $mydomain in /etc/postfix/!
Author: Falko Timme • Tags: postfix • Comments: 1Postfix-SMTP-AUTH-TLS-Howto This document describes how to install a mail server based on postfix that is capable of SMTP-AUTH and TLS. It should work (maybe with slight changes concerning paths etc.) on all *nix operating systems. I tested it on Debian Woody and Fedora Core 1 so far.
Virtual Hosting with Postfix, part one
Author: joe • Tags: postfix • Comments: 9Version 1.0 Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> Last edited 04/11/2005 The virtual domain support in Postfix is actually quite robust. There are three different ways you host virtual domains with Postfix and they're all described here. We'll be looking at the third one: separate domains and non-unix accounts. Why this one? Because in the end, this options gives us the most flexibility. It's a little more complicated to set up and understand but well worth it when you're hosting several domains.
Virtual Hosting with Postfix, part two
Author: joe • Tags: postfix • Comments: 4Version 1.0 Author: Joe Topjian <joe [at] adminspotting [dot] net> Last edited 04/15/2005 This article will pick up where the last one left off: how to actually retrieve the email we're storing in our virtual accounts. In the first article, I explained how we're using the third type of Postfix virtual hosting which is to use separate domains and non-unix accounts. The separate domains portion was covered fairly well. Now it's time to work on the non-unix accounts.
Greylisting - fight Spam with Postgrey and Postfix on Debian and Ubuntu
Author: erk • Tags: antivirus, debian, postfix • Comments: 9
There are numerous ways to prevent spam from reaching your inbox, the most popular is probably SpamAssassin. Greylisting will not replace spam filtering software like SA but it will serve as a powerful first hurdle for spam thus reducing the ammount of spam entering the system at all.